what's with the leading man?

I agree this was a cute movie, but one thing that spoiled it for me was that it seemed totally unrealistic that either Jen or Uncle Ralph would have taken up with Morgan based on the little they knew about him. He looked scruffy and dirty and his supposed Christmas Spirit was pretty forced and dubious--he complained and criticized Jen's way of doing things, when he didn't even know her. I saw very little of his supposed "chef" abilities used, too.
He was a drifter with no real goals or plans--why was that so wonderful? How was he a good role model for the little boy? Admittedly, he was less boring than the fiancé, but the gushing over his supposedly knowing the real way to celebrate Christmas was ridiculous. He actually said that he hadn't spent Christmas with a family in a long time--how did that make him an authority?
I kept thinking that it would be revealed that Morgan was actually an heir to a fortune or a guy with an MBA who was just taking some time off--but it seemed he was just a homeless drifter.
Why would an ex-policeman (Ralph) think that was a good match for his beloved niece? Especially since her first husband had turned out to be unreliable?


It took a while for Jen to warm up to him, but he helped Ralph out at the airport, and remember Ralph "smelled him".

AS far as his chef abilities - he made pancakes, tuna steak (which looked like a nice presentation) and pretty much walked Jen through making the turkey. I think that's enough.

Also, when Jen snuck a look at his passport, you saw that it was stamped a lot which means he really had flown all over the place. Homeless people don't tend to be able to fly a lot.


I didn't have a problem with the leading man, it was the boyfriend who was a problem for me. He was inattentive, snooty and full of self importance. Also irritating was her accepting a wedding proposal from him at a party where she knew practically no one except for his parents. On christmas eve no less, leaving her son at home. Not much to be said for a guy who would drag a mother away from her son on Christmas Eve. Doesn't say much about her either.


She didn't really accept. She was so shocked that she choked on her wine, the coughing looked like she was nodding, and then everyone was applauding and the social pressure probably stopped her from speaking up. She was probably pretty confused on the way home, thinking, "Do I really want this or not?" Because she did think Richard was the sensible choice, until she found out about him deciding that she didn't need to see Morgan's thank-you note.


Given this bum's chef "credentials", I see him landing a job as a short-order cook at Denny's and unable to support the lifestyle of the woman here. After a year, she'd kick this bum to the curb and Uncle Ralph would probably have him whacked.

Sorry you girls don't live in reality to know this.


I thought he probably had a trust fund. It is expensive to travel and he bought that large Christmas tree.


I think it was implied that he'd end up becoming a cop - his "instincts" with the light-guy, his taste for action and his general kinship with and approval from Uncle Ralph
Still wouldn't be enough to support her lifestyle though, like you say


At least he had a nice coat!



I've known a lot of people who live by the moment because they enjoy the freedom that comes along with having nothing to be responsible for other than yourself. Which isn't new by the by. This was the foundation of the hippie movement as well.

And dude was a hot chef! He can do whatever he wants!


I was reading the thread and thinking in a similar way. He travels a lot but not necessarily in style. He seems to be the bohemian type that probably waits around the airports for the cheapest flight or a last minute cancelled ticket. Probably stays in hostels for cheep accommodations. Doesn't mean he's a bum or anything just that he's single and experiencing the world that is different from what 'normal' people do. It was used to make him mysterious and unpredictable; everything the fiancé is not.


"he looked scruffy and dirty"
I thought the opposite - that for a drifter with only one change of clothes, he looked a bit too clean cut.
Although he had a beard before it was fashionable, it was neatly trimmed, as was his hair, and his clothes were very smart and clean - he even had his christmas eve outfit it that little travel bag
