MovieChat Forums > Hulk Vs. (2009) Discussion > Kind of an unpleasant movie(s)

Kind of an unpleasant movie(s)

I liked the Wolverine one a lot (never been a big Thor fan) but there was something really dark and depressing about these films. I mean, I felt quite bad for Wolverine and Thor being pummeled, and it was an unpleasant feeling I haven't quite had in other animated series, including a lot of violent Japanese stuff.


That's what made it somewhat entertaining for the adult viewers. It was more mature and less "kiddie" friendly.


They are only cartoon characters, they weren't really hurt...



I liked these animations - I think I preferred the Thor one.

My wife is always ripping into me about reading comics (DC and Marvel) and I don't think she'd see any evidence of maturity in these stories guys!


Personally, I love a story where a strong protagonist gets a brutal beatdown like in these stories. It makes it more dramatic when they come back for more.

"This lint is so Scottish." --Xander Harris


Well the were sticking close to the source material. I mean if you've ever read the original Weapon X graphic novel that fully delves in Wolverine's life as Weapon X you'll see how brutal it is. If you thought the movie was bad wait till you see wolverine covered in blood leaving tons of dead bodies behind and looking scary as hell. Wolverine is meant to be tragic, and part of the overall tragedy that's attached to him is steeped in dark, violent and saddening stuff.


That sounds excellent - can't wait 'til the movie comes out!


I have an old Wolverine graphic novel were it starts with him beheading a bear, he takes out an entire ninja clan and then kills his loves father in front of her in a duel.

Very dark and sinister with him following his rage even when he realises it will loose him his love.
