Wrong.Anger is merely one of many triggers depending on which Hulk we`re talkin`.Each Hulk(except The Red Hulk , of course & the cut-offs like Banner- Hulk , Savage Banner , Mindless Hulk , Post-HR Hulk)represents a different aspect of Banner`s personality:
Savage Hulk-The most well-known incarnation.The Savage represents the good-intentioned but highly irrational child.Transformation Trigger:stress.
Gray Hulk/"Joe Fixit"-Slick but egotistical & morally bankrupt.In his "Joe Fixit" guise , he works as a bouncer at a Las Vegas casino & has the dress & mannerisms of a stereotypical Hollywood mob boss.He has several bodyguards who dress & speak in a similar manner."Joe" represents the rebellious teenager.Transformation Trigger:night.
Merged/Professor Hulk-Identical in appearance to The Savage Hulk , only taller , calmer & often toting a high-powered cannon for self-defense(not that he needs it most of the time).He represents Banner`s ideal self:all the intelligence , none of the awkwardness.Often acts as a mediator between The Savage & Gray Hulks within Banner`s mind.It`s also interesting to note that on at least one occasion , this persona used The Gray Hulk`s "Joe Fixit" Alias.Transformation Trigger:variable.
Guilt Hulk/"The Beast"-Green & reptillian in appearance with yellow eyes.Born of Banner`s guilt from murdering his abusive , alcoholic father:Brian in a blind rage in his teens(to be fair , it wasn`t entirely Bruce`s fault.The jerk tripped on the gravestone of Bruce`s mother , Rebecca whom a wasted Brian had inadvertantly stabbed to death while trying to get at Bruce).Though chained up in Banner`s mind , The Guilt Hulk is still able to telepathically taunt Banner.At one point , "The Beast" tormented Banner by taking the form of the late Brian.Transformation Trigger:guilt , duh.
Devil Hulk:With orange skin & bloodred eyes , "The Devil" is unquestionably the most evil of The Hulks.Born of Banner`s repressed resentment of those who hound him , this creature is sadistic , snarky & will stop at nothing to bring forth Armageddon.It`s a good thing it`s chained up in Banner`s mind.And , did I mention it has a creepy habit of addressing Banner as "my darling boy".Transformation Trigger:pure rage/evil thoughts , presumably.