
This was promoted all wrong, even the name of the DVD was wrong. This should have been a Hulk team up collection.

Check out my review here @


I agree that the Hulk was more a minor character or catalyst in both stories. I have to disagree with the team-up bit in the Thor story at least.

You are correct about the Wolverine one. Aside from once again unnecessarily rehashing his origin it was the Hulk and Wolverine against Weapon X. The Hulk/Wolverine fight was okay, but just as it looked to be getting interesting with both combatants haven gotten their licks in it was ended. When then get ten minutes of battle against the various members of Weapon X of whom none are a threat at all to the Hulk. Of course, then it ends.

I have to disagree with your notion of a team-up in Thor. At no point did Thor and Hulk team up to fight Loki. It was the other way around, but done poorly.
It showcased Hulk's strength, but at the cost of Thor. Seriously, how stupid would someone be to lay there as Loki-Hulk slowly pounds on him while yammering before he decides to make a half-hearted attempt to fight back. Then we have about two minutes straight of Thor standing there as Hulk's punching bag. The second fight was even worse. The both fights were so slow and one-sided they were boring.

If you like the Hulk being portrayed as completely unstoppable or hate Thor a person would proabable like it. Otherwise, it is worth renting once, but hat is about it.


Totally agreed, a rental would have worked better. Now it's stuck on my shelf hehe
