MovieChat Forums > Hulk Vs. (2009) Discussion > Way Too Short, Lazy Story and Animation

Way Too Short, Lazy Story and Animation

It just seems to me that Marvel is selling itself short.

If they want people to take animated movies seriously, they should make them more serious. They should be 90-100 min long at the minimum, have breathtaking, fluid animation and a mature story to show that they are serious in making animated movies.

Although a serious story is not what I think of when the title is called "Hulk Vs" at the least they could have had a resolution to the Wolverine one instead of ending it the way they did. The Thor one was better I thought, but again for a match that epic, it should have been longer.

I want full length animated movies from Marvel, not these straight to DVD dissapointing ones that have inconsistant animation and kid-friendly tones. Seriously, screw the kids. They have half a dozen Marvel TV shows catered to them. Can we long time young adult and adult fans see something serious for the amount of money we dish out for these DVD's?


I don't know why Marvel does not try to make an animated movie that is cinema-worthy or really epic and grand?


"What you gettin' at with the book-script, spit that $hit out, man!"
-Tropic Thunder


Who needs story? It's Hulk vs. Wolverine. I agree that the animation was subpar but I loved how it just jumped to the action. I'll save the story when I want to watch a too talkative superhero movie like The Dark Knight.


If' we're only getting half of a movie experience (just animation with no story), the price should have been half. Its not worth the 20 dollars I paid for it.

Even the Spawn the HBO animated series looked better than this.


Bad animation? Are you on crack? Spawn looked good after Season 2, it was pretty raw at first. No sure what you're complaining about... sell it on ebay if you're unhappy.



I felt both animated movies had some moments where the animation was strong, and other moments where I felt it was weak and choppy.

I have to agree with OP on this one. Neither story had bad animation just inconsistant (imho); and it didn't make sense why it would be that way. I also got the impression they weren't sure who their audience was. At times it seemed they were going for little kids and other times for a more mature audience.

My complaints are minor ones - I still look forward to seeing the other movies that were talked about in the bonus features.

~ I'm right here, but you've gotta shoot straight! ~


It just seems to me that Marvel is selling itself short.

If they want people to take animated movies seriously, they should make them more serious. They should be 90-100 min long at the minimum, have breathtaking, fluid animation and a mature story to show that they are serious in making animated movies.

Although a serious story is not what I think of when the title is called "Hulk Vs" at the least they could have had a resolution to the Wolverine one instead of ending it the way they did. The Thor one was better I thought, but again for a match that epic, it should have been longer.

I want full length animated movies from Marvel, not these straight to DVD dissapointing ones that have inconsistant animation and kid-friendly tones.


It's called a budget skippy. Most animated films want to be nice and short so that they don't spend to much on what they call budget. Do you know what budget means? I do. Do you? You want to spend millions of dollars on an animated masterpiece and make an amazing 1 million dollars. After spending more than 20 million you lose money! Think about it slowly.

Don't fall for an ugly girl. You'll lose half your face and get killed by a guy in a bat suit.


Thats what frustrates me the most. They want to make an animated movie, but they don't really care about breaking any boundaries in animation or art, its just basically a watered-down version of a movie experience with no substance.

If the animated movie is really good, it can be in the theatres and make more than 20 Mil. Some movie companies have balls and take risks with motion pictures, Marvel needs to grow a pair and spearhead an initiative to make serious animated movies.

Think if they spent the money they did on Punisher: Warzone and used it to make an animated movie along the lines of Garth Ennis's run. Or spend a fraction of that 120 mill they used on Ghost Rider and make an animated movie with fantastic art and great story.

Marvel is under estimating the value of a good animated movie.


They probably do care about the animation and want to make it as good as possible, but within their budget.

Animated movies in the United States that are not released by Pixar or feature singing animals from Disney usually do poorly at theaters.

It would be great to have a feature length film that has quality animation and pushes the envelope. The animation now is just what I expected from this type of movie; decent. They probably wont be able to do a fluid animated film using their same studio. They will have to hire more expensive artists to work on everything and this compounds the cost.

These types of serious animated films are not usually released here, and are only taken seriously in Japan. Sad, but true.


It's still more entertaining that Xmen Origins.




BTW, to the OP (submitor)... I agree with the general gist of your comment but disagree with you about Hulk VS Wolverine. That was quite good and easily the best of the two short films and the single best Marvel animation thus far.

I just read the Ultimate Hulk vs Wolverine comic, and holy crap this book is just great. Hulk literally rips Wolverine in half! I saw some elements of this animated movie in it, but this graphic novel was far superior to the animated movie.

Although I agree that it is the best animated DVD so far, Marvel still has a long way to go (if they ever want to push forward in making great animated movies). Now that Disney bought them out, maybe Pixar can bring some of these stories to life in a whole new way?



i have to whole heartidly disagree and advise you to look at the batman tv again. The animation is decent and the story is, especially the Thor one, is fantastic. I mean banner DIES! Hulk runs rampant in HELL and HELA is like GET THIS BRUTE OUT OF HERE! Amazing story... and Deadpool was amazing in the wolverine one, and I think the story itself is based off of wolverine's original appearance... so if you want to diss the story, you are basically dissing the original (which i've never read so maybe it did suck)...
