Way Too Short, Lazy Story and Animation
It just seems to me that Marvel is selling itself short.
If they want people to take animated movies seriously, they should make them more serious. They should be 90-100 min long at the minimum, have breathtaking, fluid animation and a mature story to show that they are serious in making animated movies.
Although a serious story is not what I think of when the title is called "Hulk Vs" at the least they could have had a resolution to the Wolverine one instead of ending it the way they did. The Thor one was better I thought, but again for a match that epic, it should have been longer.
I want full length animated movies from Marvel, not these straight to DVD dissapointing ones that have inconsistant animation and kid-friendly tones. Seriously, screw the kids. They have half a dozen Marvel TV shows catered to them. Can we long time young adult and adult fans see something serious for the amount of money we dish out for these DVD's?