DC/Marvel fans...

I did not enjoy The Invincible Iron Man all that much at all. But I absolutely loved the entire line of PG-13 DC features (Batman: Gotham Knight, Justice League: The New Frontier, and Superman: Doomsday). Would this be worth a buy or just a viewing for me? How does it rack up against the other PG-13 animated films recently released?


This is a bit more violent than any of those listed but the animation is as good. The Thor one especially reminded me of Justice League. The Wolverine one is pushing the PG-13 envelope, there is a lot of blood. Which is why it's good.

But I happen to like the Marvel ones (Ultimate Avengers, Dr. Strange) and agreed the Invincible Iron Man was the weakest one they've done so far, so don't judge the Marvel animations by that one.




Thanks a lot. Yes I'm going to make the blu-ray purchase. I viewed the first 15 minutes of the feature online, and loved it. Good to know that Invincible Iron Man was their weak point because the DC features put that one to shame. I completely forgot about Ultimate Avengers, they did such a good job on that one. As I recall, Hulk fights Thor in that one for a bit as well towards the end.


yes hulk and Thor fight in Ultimate Avengers, but just in case u dont know all ready the Thor in Ultimate Avengers is from a different line of comics then the one in this.

but this is a great set not much story wise but the action is great and the portrayal of the character are great Thor and Deadpool most of all



Superman Doomsday was okay, but subpar for the DC animate stuff. They usually have the best writing, voice acting, animation, etc, etc, etc. This Hulk Vs was right up there with some of the JLU episodes. I really quite enjoyed it. I didn't care for the recent Avengers DVDs or the Iron Man one. This one, though was pretty great.




I'm curious to see how Planet Hulk will be compared to Hulk Vs. There's a lot of mixed reactions so far. Marvel seems to be very inconsistent with these animated features.
