Wolverine or Thor

which Hulk vs. movie is better? I'd say Wolverine since I've seen it on YouTube.


The Wolverine one is better. Neither one has much of a storyline so the battle is the main part. In it Wolverine at least comes across as effective against the Hulk and it is short enough so by the time it feels its getting dragged out it is over. With Thor they tried to do a slightly more in-depth plot, but the battle between Thor and Hulk is so uneven its is boring. The rest of it is Hulk casually steamrolling over all of Asgard. A poor effort if there ever was one.


I hate to say it, but Wolverine would have to claim the better segment, and I don't even like Wolverine. Though not much of a plot, the overall execution indicates that the writers have a much better understanding of Wolverine and his enemies than they do of Thor. While Thor's segment tried to be more emotional, the fight between Hulk and Thor is so ridiculously stupid it's not even funny. Thor is basically beaten to death by Hulk despite the fact that he's supposed to be one of the few Marvel heroes who can go toe to toe with old jade jaws. The impression this sends out is that Wolverine is the Man (gag me) and Thor is a worthless wuss, and if that wasn't the intention, then the damn fight needed to be reworked.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised, since the Marvel animation/Lionsgate guys clearly don't understand Thor very well. Look at how little screen time Thor had in Ultimate Avengers 1 & 2, look at how they turned him into a callous cowardly false hero and slacker dead beat parent in Next Avengers, and of course reducing him to a punching bag in Hulk Vs. Hell, Thor wasn't even allowed to win for his cameo in Planet Hulk, he had to be rescued by Beta Ray Bill, just like someone always has to rescue him in these damn DTVs, whether it's Captain America rescuing him from Hulk in UA, or Amora rescuing him from death or Loki rescuing him from Hulk again. I guess Craig Kyle & Chris Yost just don't think old fashioned epic warriors like Thor are as cool or complex as short, mean little jerks like Wolverine. If you listen to the audio commentary where they do nothing but make fun of Thor for choosing Sif over Amora, it becomes even more apparent that these guys don't know what the Hell they're doing when it comes to Thor.

And the opening segment of "Thor Tales of Asgard" which deals with a tween Thor looks pretty lame.

Our only hope is that Kenneth Brannagh's THOR will be a big enough hit that the Marvel guys will have no choice but to start showing Thor more respect. It's a slim chance but it's all we've got.


I still think Hulk Vs. is great, but DarthBill's comments have a basis, and I agree with his conclusion on which story is better.



Thor had a small presence in the Ultimate Avengers movies because if he was there the whole time he would have just stomped all the bad guys in a matter of minutes. If anything, the people behind the movie had a BETTER understanding of Thor than the way the people portrayed him in Hulk VS.


Wolverine. 'Cause it has Deadpool.

Doctor Bergen, report to the O.R
I have lives to save.
Bring a mop.
