Looking for similar titles (but not just hulk)
(I already posted this in planet hulk but thought I'd copy paste it here as well)
I've so far watched:
1. Ultimate avengers 1 and 2
2. Dr. strange
3. Planet hulk and both Hulk vs. movies
4. Just discovered there's an 'invincible iron man' so will try to get my hands on it.
5. Batman under the red hood
6. Batman vs dracula (not so bad, not so good)
I have (but haven't watched yet since I'm not a big fan of DC):
1. Justice league: crisis on two earths
2. Superman batman public enemies
3. Batman beyond: return of the joker
4. Superman doomsday
5. Wolverine and the x-men: fate of the future (I think this is based on a wolverine and the x-men TV show, so I'm worried I won't know what's happening if I don't know what's happening in the series (and yes I know its marvel))
I prefer marvel over DC (didn't like dr. strange all that much though) but wouldn't mind watching DC since I don't have many options. I would like to know if there are any I don't know about, anything even somewhat similar like dark cow characters (like darkness and whatnot) would even be appreciated. I've already watched the HBO spawn series (first few were nice, towards the end they sucked though). The ones I'd especially like to know about are any spiderman stuff (I don't want series though, I've watched the spectacular spiderman (REALLY nice) and some strange animation spiderman and the old series, would rather movies to be honest).