MovieChat Forums > Hulk Vs. (2009) Discussion > Mad about Thor (and not that he 'lost' t...

Mad about Thor (and not that he 'lost' the fight)

Was it just me or did they completely screw the Thor mythology up completely?

In the comics Thor loved battle and just like the warriors on the front lines (can't remember their names) would have simply loved the Oden sleep every month (or was it year?)

Watching this movie you would think he is some sort of peace loving hippie especially after the comment about "how many more men must die for this ridiculousness?" WTF I would think Thor loved that ridiculousness. In Norse mythology only Warriors go to Valhalla and they do so through battle. Why would there be anything less than eternal battle for the warriors who so love it?

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica
No power in the Verse can stop me


You are absolutley right. Thor and the warriors of Asgard acknowledge battle as part of life. At no point can I remember in the comics reading or hearing about Thor complaining about the endless battle. These are guys who live for battle. Also, at no point in the comics has Thor ever tried to reason with the Hulk by being his punching bag. He has tried to reason with him both with words and hammer. That just goes to show how messed up this was.


Clearly the writer Christopher Yost and his fellow writers don't have a very good handle on Thor. Let's hope to God they don't end up being the main writers for the proposed Thor animated series.


This Thor was pretty bland I liked the Thor in Ultimate Avengers, he was super strong and very theatrical. And his voice and lines were great. You could imagine the disappointment I felt after seeing this "hippy" Thor.


Agreed. Although I liked seeing Asgard and cameos from almost all my favourite Asgardians, I was not impressed with Thor at all, and would have liked to see more Odin too.

It's true what Meats of Evil says: the Ultimate Avengers Thor was better. And yet, in the comics, it's Ultimate Thor that's the "hippy", and Classic Thor that's super strong and theatrical.

That's what you call ironic...

"Look at what they make you give..." ~ Jason Bourne, 2007


There was a little bit of "hippy" in Ultimate Thor. Remember, when we first see him, he's laying the smack down on the whale hunters and expresses his support for the Green Peace protesters. What's even sadder is that in Ultimate 1 Thor put up a better fight against the Hulk (albeit briefer).

Perhaps some better dialogue for Hulk Vs. Thor would be for Thor to admit he'll miss the pals who got killed, have Sif remind him that this is the way of things, then have Thor admit "Perhaps I have been away from Asgard for too long. I forget sometimes the reality of our life here."

And in "Next Avengers" they made Thor a callous slacker dead beat dad. What a joke. I fear for teen/tween Thor in "Tales of Asgard" delayed until next year.


Perhaps some better dialogue for Hulk Vs. Thor would be for Thor to admit he'll miss the pals who got killed, have Sif remind him that this is the way of things, then have Thor admit "Perhaps I have been away from Asgard for too long. I forget sometimes the reality of our life here."

That's a nail hit right on the head, there.

"Look at what they make you give..." ~ Jason Bourne, 2007




Thor has spent much time on apathy-ridden Earth. Maybe some of it has rubbed off on him.
A possible depiction...
The rest of the Asgardians were baffled by his 'depression' and left him to it, (much like guys dealing with a woman's 'moodswings' ), going off to battle without him. Only Sif stayed behind, attempting to make some sense of his 'bizarre' mood.


I wanted to see Odin fight the Hulk that would have been a WAR.

Cult Leader my mind's frightening, I drink blood from a human skull like a Viking


That would have lasted about two seconds. Odin had always been portrayed so far above Thor and the Hulk that he could ko the Hulk with one hand, strike him dead with a force bolt, turn him to glass, teleport him to a black hole, rapidly age him, etc.


I can accept that the Hulk with Loki's mind in charge, can be an even greater foe than normal for Thor. What I don't accept is that a raging, hostless Hulk with no human consciousness, can be more powerful than nearly all of Asgard & the Frost Giants together. That was clear evidence this DVD was just a stroke-fest for Hulk. That someone like Thor could only do about as well as an enhanced street-level hero like Wolverine - it's insulting to Thor.


Crap, even wolverine did better in that DVD than thor. This was obviously spite. Seeing hulk manhandle both thor and loki was just so ridiculous.


Seeing hulk manhandle both thor and loki was just so ridiculous.

Did you see the XXX rated version or something?


I think the voice acting for some of the other characters, mainly the Hulk, was so great that Thor fell short. He wasn't bad, but the Hulk ruled, and Loki was more impressively sinister than Thor was charismatically noble, and so on.

On the good side, we saw Thor the tactician. He seems to be the only character who will do deliberate limb hits to set things up, and who varies his attacks thoughtfully. Sometimes he wants the hammer hit, sometimes the lightning. He may not want the biggest immediate hit every time, he may prefer to set up the knee hit to set up the head hit, or he may want a forearm hit to set up something else.

I really like Thor being a brainy as well as a brawny fighter. He's got plenty of experience and he's a god. It should show.


we saw Thor the tactician

Yeah, Thor standing there while the mindless Hulk beat him to death showed what a great tactician Thor is.

Craig Kyle & Chris Yost clearly don't understand Thor, and Kyle being involved with the Thor film angers & displeases me.


The animation was really over the top, which hurt Thor vs. Hulk too. All the art was done at sharp angles, so Thor's chin and triceps looked like triangles out of South Park. The mythology was messed up. They couldn't just let Hulk fight Thor either? They had to overly involve Loki and the 2 maidens and Bruce Banner? I don't mean Banner as the Hulk, but rather Bruce Banner struggling vs. Loki while Hulk struggled vs. Thor. And Lady Hel, who gave Banner the visions of his wife and son. Waaaaaaay too much going on in this story. Shoulda been a cool battle, but it was to darn slow and complicated.


You are right about the animation which is another thing that bugged me. If you watch the Wolverine vs. Hulk battle the animation flow is fairly smooth and quick. Now compare that to the first battle between Thor and Hulk where both move incredible slow and clunky. Hulk throws slow punches and Thor's hammer blows were fairly slow yet neither bothered to ever dodge. Thor just goes charging into a statue then is koed by a hulk punch. The second fight was a bit better with Thor remembering how to fight and smoother animation, but by then it is too little too late.

I think they tried to give it something of a story to try and give it "depth" but for reasons you stated it failed. It was too short to develop the story and designed just so Hulk could humiliate all of Asgard.


This I agree on. Now if the team that did "Hulk vs. Wolverine" also did "Hulk vs. Thor" rather than another team, I feel that "Hulk vs. Thor" would've been much better.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger
