A missed opportunity
To really explore the culture of fandom.
This film just didn't deliver the goods, or even raise the sort of questions that I was expecting to be raised. I'm not saying that it was a totally bad film, but there was no deeper exploration into the psychological and sociological reasons for fandom. The filmmakers never placed Star Wars into the broader context of what it did to the business of filmmaking. Star Wars was practically the first blockbuster and, along with Jaws, ushered in a new type of film. It created the summer blockbuster extravaganza, which has dominated our cultural landscape ever since.
The filmmakers never raise the question that the Star Wars generation is a generation that has never truly grown up because of the infantilization of our culture in the aftermath of Star Wars' success. Instead what we get is something about how Star Wars has created a world of endless parodies. That and the fallout from the prequels and OT reissues, which was done rather well. But the bigger questions are never really asked.