
I will admit, I haven't seen the full film, but I have seen a good 20-or-so minutes of a work-in-progress copy, and it is quite clear this film is produced by the Michael Moore of cult fanaticism.

It paints George Lucas out to be an emotionally-leaching monster. It even goes as far as to ridicule him, with interviewees talking down to him (first name pity in the form of "Oh George...") and montages played to a god-awful "George Lucas raped my childhood" song.

It is a shame there are people out there that financed this rather unfortunate production. I'm sure there will be a decent amount of worthwhile content in the finished piece, but it will not amount to much compared to the unfair criticism layered onto Lucas from the get-go.

Though I am all for freedom-of-speech and opinion, did it not occur to the producers they were being disrespectful, selfish and ungrateful?


It's an embarrassment to the fanbase. Those who enjoy this seem not to realize that in the end, it is making them look like the utter fools.

- - - - - - -
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?



the film really isn't that one-sided. Many people in the film really defend lucas and do it well.

Precisely. A lot of people are really jumping to conclusions and assuming that this film is a non-stop George Lucas bash-a-thon, completely supportive of the backlashing fanboys. It does spend a good amount of time focusing on this aspect, but it's quite objective about it. Many points of view are represented. You guys need to see the thing before you open your mouths.


Finish it. The last five minutes of the film puts your entire argument of being entirely disrespectful to rest.

God you can have Megan Fox...Give us back Vivien Leigh


i agree, i thought they were rude. i liked the starwars movies, even the new ones.


The new ones were crap. You probably liked Indiana Jones 4 and Tron Legacy too.

What's so crazy about standing toe to toe with someone saying "I am"?




As for disrepctful, wasnt Lucas himself being just that when he made the special edition of the OT and said they were now the versions of record. Did that not show a blatant disrespect or disregard if you like to those of us who wanted the original versions, especially the 1977 version which should be referred to now and forever as Star Wars, not this episode 4- A New Hope crap. The so-called 20th anniversary special edition is NOT the same movie we grew up loving for two decades previous. It is simply a basterization of the original vision.
Another thing Ive never seen addressed. Even when Star Wars was released in 77, Lucas always complained that he did not have enough time or money to fix the Dia-Noga sequence, (aka- the garbage-chute monster) probably the movies weakest scene. But, 20 years later, when he had more than enough cash to do so, he did nothing. Instead, he spent more time showing creatures in Mos Eisley, putting back Jabba the Hut, and giving the death star a ring around it when it exploded. Whoa, way mega-cool, dude.
Maybe Lucas stubborness or myopic arrogance is what has brought on this disdain.


You got a point. Imagine if Charles Dickens was contently rewriting the Christmas Carol. He improves it by having Scrooge become a even bigger A$$H01e at the end. And then Charles Dickens takes all the previous good versions off the selves, burns them. And then tell you cant read the original ever again. That's pretty much sums up George Lucas.


Your ignorance of the film's ACTUAL contents is being displayed.
