I will admit, I haven't seen the full film, but I have seen a good 20-or-so minutes of a work-in-progress copy, and it is quite clear this film is produced by the Michael Moore of cult fanaticism.
It paints George Lucas out to be an emotionally-leaching monster. It even goes as far as to ridicule him, with interviewees talking down to him (first name pity in the form of "Oh George...") and montages played to a god-awful "George Lucas raped my childhood" song.
It is a shame there are people out there that financed this rather unfortunate production. I'm sure there will be a decent amount of worthwhile content in the finished piece, but it will not amount to much compared to the unfair criticism layered onto Lucas from the get-go.
Though I am all for freedom-of-speech and opinion, did it not occur to the producers they were being disrespectful, selfish and ungrateful?