Lucas ceased to be a filmmaker...
when he realized he could make billions by selling toys. Hence why Wookies became Ewoks, so on and so on.
sharewhen he realized he could make billions by selling toys. Hence why Wookies became Ewoks, so on and so on.
shareMaybe he'll redeem himself now Star Wars is out of his hands. I love the part where Coppola talks about Lucas being more than just Star Wars, the dozen of films he once wanted to make, and so on. Puts *beep* in perspective.
A picture with a smile - and perhaps, a tear.
I'm pretty sure he ceased to be a filmmaker the moment he got the tar and feathers treatment for daring to touch slighty upon his older movies and making a new trilogy of films that didnt live up to the insanely unrealistic expectations of his "fans".
shareIn other words, he was exposed as not being as good a filmmaker as people thought he was.
shareYeah, the guy sucks. Why is Empire better than New Hope? Because Lucas DIDN'T direct it! Give Lucas creative control, and creativity goes in decline. In all fairness, I think he's mildly retarded (seriously), so it's largely the fault of others kowtowing to this man's "vision."
shareLucas is a good ideas man, but a terrible director and an even worse writer. The dialogue in the prequels is beyond wooden and laughable. The poor actors tried their hardest, but they just couldn't pull them off.
shareI thought the quote of him self-identifying as a "toy maker who makes films" was telling, even if he didn't realize how true this would become. Of course, the irony is that if it weren't for the toys, most of us wouldn't have loved IV, V, and VI so much....