Watched it last night on Netflix

I thought it was very entertaining and summed up all of my feelings pretty well. My anger and sadness levels weren't nearly as high as these people though. For me, apathy set in pretty hard and quick with the prequels. I was so disillusioned after Phantom that I don't think I saw parts II and III until a good 2 or 3 months after they were out. I didn't see the redone versions of Empire or Jedi until years after the fact. It wasn't that I was mad or anything. I just didn't think Star Wars was improved enough to put any effort into seeing the enhanced/modified versions of the other two.

I loved the description of JarJar's appearance in Attack of the Clones when he looks at the camera and smiles. That really cracked me up. I didn't notice it when I saw AOTC.


Heh. I was taken to ep 2 and had my tix paid for. I distinctly remember the loathing I felt towards the boredom that had set in about an hour or so into the film (right around the scene where Obi-Wan is being hunted by Whoever Fett). I didn't watch ep 3 until there was a Rifftrax for it. I borrowed the DVD from the library. I've never watched ep3 without Rifftrax mocking it.

The prequils are the worst thing since cake farts. I've moved on from star wars but completely understand everything you and PvGL have to say.

Thanks imdb, for the longest list of ignored users in any board ever! 116 and counting!


Oh and I saw ep1 in the theater and the experience permanently drained my passion for Star Wars which has never returned.

Thanks imdb, for the longest list of ignored users in any board ever! 116 and counting!


I discovered it was on Netflix as well and finally got around to seeing it. Good to be sure, but greatness was lost in some really extreme Lucas bashers that were just silly.

If I told you cretins, your feeble brains would fail to comprehend it. - The Shredder


I thought the movie was good on balance. About 2/3's of the way in I was thinking it was getting pretty weird and going to go off the deep end, but I like how it circled around on the fans themselves.

For me it gave clear voice to my real frustration with the character modifications on the first trilogy, namely: Hans shot first. For the record, I have never seen the new version, as I was so disgusted when I heard about that modification. For me the critique of 'Hans shot first' was the apex of the film, then after giving full voice and fervor to the fans, it began a masterful turn on their own hearts and motivations. A good film for frustrated geeks and fans of the series.
