just watched it, what a bunch of winers!
i am 40 so Starwars is absolutely my generation, i collected the toys, know every single line by heart, comics, books, you name it.
My childhood was saturated with Starwars, i have nothing but great memories about it.
So when the special editions came out and after that the prequels I was really happy that Starwars continued, glad that i could relive that feeling, and i did!
Lucas delivered 100 procent starwars movies full of spaceships, laserswords, a bobafett suit, Jabba, Yoda, Threepio, R2, Ben...All back and present. He pulled it off to tell the story that it almost tied it directly to the older ones, thats an homage to the first trilogy, not to mention to the fans. Lucas didn't do this for money, He has enough, he did this out of love for his movies and for his fans. If you don't agree on the latter then explain me why he made boba fett the most important figure in the universe by making him the template for a clonetrooper?
I honestly don't care that the story is not as compelling as the old one, that the lovestory between Padme and Anakin is weak, that Jar Jar is stupid, it's his take on the back story, he did it the best he could, and i thank him for that because i enjoyed every film in the theatre.
Lucas had this awfull job of nitting a back story together that had obviously loose ends to begin with.
the age of luke, leia remembering her mom, C3PO loss of memory and how and when did Anakin had sex with Padme and after that became evil? Ben tells luke that Anakin was already a great pilot when he met him. All these things had to be correct in the backstory,
and then you also need a story that fans like.....Lucas...You did well in my opinion.
a lot of things didnt fit his first intentional story anymore and that is the reason some things come out rushed like the love story of Padme and Anakin.
Last point, I think Lucas is besides a story teller also a visionair on many different trades. Like what he did with the marketing and the merchandise agreement on toys. He also likes technology, and he is the first one in history that just wants to experiment on his own stuff with digital tools, and because its his stuff he is damn well entitled to it, regardless what people think, even still he was debating the coloration of black and white movies earlier on, starwars is his propertie.
I like that he plays with it, love seeing Jabba come alive in A new hope. And see biba suit up once more.
it makes it all coming out of the ordinary, like the original Starwars movies, Lucas does things the other way, always!!
And they are still there, if you are a true fan of starwars then you must have the originals at home so burn the rest and be done with it,
i'll be waiting for the next one from Disney, cant wait how Abrahams is going to do it!!