The fanboys interviewed bitch and moan about Lucas not releasing the first trilogy in its original theatrical form, (rightfully so), but fail to mention that they were eventually released on DVD. Granted these DVDs were laserdisc transfers with non-anamorphic widescreen and Dolby Digital 2.0 but still, he did release it somewhat.
I remember the 20 year restoration of Superman The Movie. They described the process to remaster it. They had to chemically treat the decaying negatives and then BAKE them. This creates a cleaner transfer, but RUINS the negatives. So I tend to believe Lucas on this one. If they were there and so many were begging for them, Lucas would put them out just to make the money.
I guess the meek can inherit the Earth now. It looks like the stupid aren't doing anything with it.
However.... Unlike Superman Star Wars had several IB Technicolor prints made (The last film to have this done) These prints don't fade, in fact those are the prints they used to colour time the Special edition. So all they have to do is telecine one of those prints (there are several available) and you'll have a near perfect transfer.