Is it canon?

Is this movie canon in the same way that the PJ movies are? Or did the film makers think up the details them selves?


From the website it says:

"The script is adapted from elements of the appendices of The Lord of the Rings. The story follows the Heir of Isildur; the "greatest huntsman and traveller in Middle Earth" as he sets out to find the creature Gollum. The creature must be found to discover the truth about the Ring, and to protect the future Ringbearer."



"Is this movie canon in the same way that the PJ movies are?"

I think you'll get a fair amount of flak mentioning "canon" and PJ in the same sentence. Jackson & co. took a good deal of creative license and made some really good films. Let's relax and enjoy.


That's why I wrote "in the same way the PJ movies are?" and not "like the PJ movies are".


I think the only people to worry about canon should be cardinals of the Catholic Church.


"Is this movie canon in the same way that the PJ movies are? "

Yes. NOT canon(ical). For "Jackson universe-canon" it's up to the viewer.


Do you mean 'Canon' as in the way PJ completely changed the storyline? Did you even read the book?

I loved the movies, bravo I say. But to think they are 'canon' is akin to hiding like an ostrich.
