Hi, I'm Bob. My wife goes on dates with old flames. Don't be me. Don't be a Bob.
Hi I'm Bob.
My wife's old flame who lives in Korea, got back in touch and has flown to New York to break our marriage up.
I want to be supportive and let her choose between this strange guy who just appeared on the scene or me. The guy who supported and loved her for the past decade. I'm boring yeh, lifes boring, day to day humdrum. This new guy is handsome, athletic, cultured, I don't stand a chance. She might have a better life with him. I'm dying inside.
4th date now. Never sure if she's coming back. Doesn't talk that much about what happened on the dates. Don't want to pressure her and be "toxic".
I've been told modern men shouldn't be jealous and in control of their emotions, as well as open about their emotions. But not too open, last time I did open up about my insecurities she didn't talk to me for a week and stopped at her best friend's for a couple of nights. Her best friend is called John, by the way.
The final date she dragged me along. I sat there like a fruit for over an hour. People a few tables over were laughing at me. I just sat and looked at my drink while they ignored me. Spoke Korean the whole time. Laughing, touching, gazing at each other.
I didn't say anything because I didn't want to over step my mark and kill her vibe.
At the very end they said their goodbyes on the street waiting for a taxi. They moved along a few houses out of earshot. I stood in the doorway of the flats to see if I could hear anything.
They just gazed at each other, I thought they were going to kiss and was ready for her jumping in the taxi to fly to Korea.
I just kept quiet. I didn't want to be "toxic" with insecurities and jealousy.
I'm Bob. Don't be me.