MovieChat Forums > Frozen (2010) Discussion > Other than the obvious lack of vapor whe...

Other than the obvious lack of vapor when the characters breathe...

My only problem with the movie is that when the guy decides to jump down, they don't think about or do anything to shorten his fall. They could have made a makeshift rope using their jackets, the remaining ski pole and maybe the snowboard too. At that height, anything would have helped.

It could still have led to the character getting injured, but at least they would have tried something realistic.


The dude literally leaps from his sitting position and actually gave himself a push towards the ground so he accelerates down faster. Obviously they should have made a makeshift rope with everything they could - but at the very minimum he could've at least hung off the chair and dropped to reduce his fall by his height. Not the brightest of characters.


Can’t really disagree with this. Shorten the drop by half and maybe he just busts his ass.
