MovieChat Forums > Death at a Funeral (2010) Discussion > exact copy of the original, which is fin...

exact copy of the original, which is fine...


it copied it scene for scene which i didnt mind since i loved the original, but im just upset that it missed ONE important part. Ryan Was supposed to take his mom to new york with him. It shows that he actually cares for his family and is willing to do his part. this new ending shows him going back to bein the douchebag he was before



"Well, for a moment I thought I'd give it a shot, but then I saw that the cast was African American,"

That says enough about how you really feel. no comment needed.

To the OP, that would have been a nicer ending. I've never seen the original, though i probably will soon (even if it does star a white cast, lol).

The only way you're going to die is if I kill you.-Jack Bauer



It changes the movie completely? Eh, how? Actually, I'd say the factor that changed the movie more was that it changed the cast to AMERICANS. The original was true British farce, which is not as easily pulled off in America (I am American, by the way). However, having watched this version after seeing the original, I'm actually not as disappointed as I thought I might be. I think everyone does a pretty decent job capturing the humor of the original. I actually enjoy Tracy Morgan, and Martin Lawrence and CHris Rock did a good job at toning down their "acts" to be more subdued. James Marsden has the unenviable task of replicating Alan Tudyk's brilliant turn in the original and does his best. I really enjoy him as an actor, it's just too bad that this gag played out a little funnier in the original, mainly because they are trying too hard not to just copy Tudyk's job. All in all, I really think that making the cast black really doesn't hinder or help the movie in any way.

Water? Don't touch the *beep* in it.
W.C. Fields


Yes, how horrible it would have been for you to be subjected to a story you already know and like, but with black people. How horrible. [I saw both.]



This is NOT an exact copy, the original was actually funny.



I hardly noticed that detail was changed. I was too busy being let down by the remake as a whole. It would have been so much better if they cast actors instead of comedians. The comedians are what hurt this remake. The actors all did an okay job.

Maybe I could have lived with it if Rock was the only comedian in the film (since it was his idea to do the remake). But then again Rock just wasn't funny enough. Morgan was unwatchable. Martin was the best of the comedians (he toned down his usual over the top style to meet the more subtle tone of the film).

The Wire 10/10
Breaking Bad 9/10
Dexter 9/10


i just don't understand why americans feel the need to remake things, most of the time they're a big faliure. it's just annoying.

Spencer: why can't you accept me for who i am
Paula: because who you are is not acceptable


It's same writer, same script.
