Not the movie, the movie was awesome. It's either the hiomophobic ones on here, the anti homophobic ones. The african descent who said the women were too light skinned, or the whiets who said it was 'too black'
Too many haters.
The film was great. All nationalities. All sexes. Just get over yourselves.
I'm a white english guy and I loved it. The original is a different film. This is no Madea film, it's class. Marsden should have won an oscar. Danny Glover was brilliant. Saldana was stunning. Chris Rock had heart and LAwrence wasn't as annoying as every other movie.
All round good film. People on here need to chill out. Can't get over how sad and pathetic half the posters are nowadays who will complain about absolutely everything. This is a fun movie. You don't have to be black to watch it. You don't have to be American. Just enjoy as hilarity ensues.
We don't need no education
yes you do, you've just used a double negative