MovieChat Forums > Death at a Funeral (2010) Discussion > white people are not rasict

white people are not rasict

if u guys are trying to blame white people now of what other white people did 400 years ago then your very uneducated


I just realize that in this country the
majority of whites have tried to make peace with blacks, but the chip on
your shoulders (most not all) is what stops the reparing of relations.
This rift is your doing. Trying to hold present day whites accountable
for what was done 400, 300, 200 100 or 50 years ago. Sorry, it doesn't
hold water


I think you're unaware of the fact that actions taken by whites over the past 200 years are still affecting society today in the form of institutionalized racism and systemic racism.

The white people of the past the passed down traditions and beliefs to their children and masked them in the form of "good" versus "bad" when if you look deeper than the simple definitions, you will see that the "bad" is always associated with "black".

There's also peoples typical accusation that affirmative action is unfairly hurting whites when in fact it was only introduced to level the playing field. There aren't any black families that have histories at distinguished colleges, have generations of graduates and wealth to affirm that their stupid teenage kid now will be guaranteed entrance.

I'm not going any further on this because I've found that when discussing the subject of race on these boards that I run into a wall of ignorance and it's just not worth it. If you want to continue this discussion I will but only if you're willing to open up and listen

"Cookies with some apple juice" - C. Giles


Very well said buckshot...

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I am white and half of my family is racist as they come. They are just short of being clan members. I had refuse to raise my children around these people because they are so ignorant, one refuse to see an oncologist because she was black. So for the OP no its not "their" problem its OUR problem because it is a vicious cycle. Stop thinking that as soon a slavery was abolished and civil rights came everything is rosy and black people are paranoid. Have you not read this board alone. Get over yourself. There is such along way to go before such a statement can have even an ounce of validity. Yes there are black people who have a chip on their shoulder about something that happened 400 or even 40 years ago but guess some mess is still going on today. Wake up. Before you say anything I am a middle aged white, republican but I don't I have my head in the clouds.


Thank you and you added some good information to it.

It always amazes me the amount of people who not only think that the day Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation that all the slaveowners went out back and said "ok everybody, guess yall are free, have a nice day", but also think that even when they were able to get off those farms that they had any chance at all whatsoever to make a life for themselves, since most were highly uneducated and they couldn't just hop a bus to the north and start over, no they went a few miles away from their old owner and guess what, still a bunch of racists who wouldn't give them anything, and it's not like they could have bought anything considering they had no money and no one would give them jobs

"Cookies with some apple juice" - C. Giles


Why do black people live in the ghetto? They could easily move out. Why do they make bad decisions and have such bad values, culture, attitudes, and lack of regard for their physical appearance? Please, whatever prejudices exist against black people today is their own fault.


You're right. It's incredibly easily to just up and move from somewhere when you don't have the resources to do that.


"I'd rather die enormous than live dormant" - S. Carter


Um, yes they can. Get a job, maybe? The minimum wage is the same all over the US. They have the same resources as anybody else. We all have the library and the internet. Get good grades, maybe? Get a scholarship?



You make it sound like white people are a beacon for all that is good in America.... Hate to tell you this, but there's just as much "white trash" living in trailer parks as there are black people living in ghettos. Why don't you go pick on these people and tell them to get jobs, better themselves, stop abusing the welfare system, get off the oxycotin and meth and take care of their kids, and move to more affluent neighbourhoods? Oh wait, probably because it's not that simple.

"You're going to need a bigger boat." - Chief Brody


Wait, but I don't live in the ghetto. Why are you saying black people live in the ghetto when not all of us do? You say black people in a way of referring to all of us. Why would you generalize like that?



The posts above just explained why to some extent, but if you're too stupid to read it, that's your own damn fault. That right---just stereotype ALL black people like the racist idiot you are!


You're a barely literate fool.


thats because things like this happen all the damn time

laughs are cheap, I'm going for gasps


You are so right. It's all just make-believe like unicorns and Big Foot. Nobody really hates anybody because of their differences. People just like to make things up to entertain themselves. Racism is a figment of peoples' imagination, like the boogeyman. Oh, and I think you meant "racist" in your thread, not "rasict." But anyhoo...

Heaven will be underbooked.


STFU what does any of this have to do with the movie? Why bring this uP?


Hey moron, what does this have to do with the movie?
Apparently you are racist because subjects like these are on your mind and you chose a black movie to express your thoughts.
If you were not racist, you'd say not all white people are racist, because it's apparent that some whites are as is with any group.
I'm white and despise racism of any kind.

Got Bizarre?


If you think the issue is that simple, then you're very uneducated. 400 years ago? Really? Blacks weren't fighting for civil rights in the 50's and 60's? That is of course, in the 1950's and 1960's.. hardly 400 years ago. AAAaaaaand FYI, the emancipation proclamation was signed in 1863, slavery was completely abolished in 1865. A little tiny bit of research goes a very long way.

While I understand some of your displeasure about feeling that you're being held responsible for injustices that weren't by your own doing, you do realize that the entire social system of the US has always been biased towards white people, right? How were blacks supposed to get decent paying jobs, when education had been denied to them for so long, and when employers still didn't want them to be part of the business?

Even back in the civil rights era when black people were granted equal rights, this is only according the law... Just because there are laws, does not mean that people will agree with it in their hearts and minds. If that was the case, then there really would be no such thing as racism because the basically prohibits any racist actions. The point I'm getting at here is, even though equal rights were granted under the law, white people that continued to hold racist views found other ways to screw black people (ie. not hiring them, not paying them as much, not serving them.... all while giving completely *beep* reasons for doing so, only because they couldn't say "it's because they're black").

So, yeah, I understand why white people in the US get that feeling that they are being punished for wrongs that they didn't commit themselves, but even though they haven't done anything personally themselves out of malice to oppress black people, they fail to understand that they continue to reap the benefits of a social system that isn't nearly as dead as they would like to believe; a social system that was always biased towards keeping them wealthy and in power.

"You're going to need a bigger boat." - Chief Brody


Oh shut up. Jews have been persecuted all their lives everywhere they went, and they always rise above. Some of the richest group of people. I hate when people use that excuse. I drive through the ghetto every morning to get to school and I see a ton of people in the park getting their morning exercise. UM, wait, wha? It's a thursday. Why don't they have a job? Why arent they at work, again? Why are they always on the sidewalk in poor neighborhoods, whether white, hispanic or black...why arent they at their job? Cuz they live off the government.
