Lyle's Baldness

I'm confused. How can you have actual male pattern baldness from stress? Obviously it's not genetic as his father and brother both have full heads of hair. It's also a myth that "baldness is from the mother's side". (Genetics are funky and unpredictable, can come from either mother's side or father's)

They clearly stated that his hair loss was from stress. But wouldn't extreme stress cause ALL the hair to fall out, not cause male pattern baldness? (He still had hair on the side of his head)

Plus, what was with those holes in his skull? Is that an actual thing men did to wear wigs in the 90s?


I didn't know he was balding, in the show at 20 he said he started wearing a toupee at 16-17. But alopecia due to stress or sickness happens and it's not consistent. Pacino for example in his late 40s or early 50s suffered a ki d of alopeciadue to disease and wasn't consistent but patchy. Same thing happened to my friend in her teens.
