Hahha, well I can catch you on the music because we listened to the exact same bands (Zep, The Who, Pink Floyd, etc).
Indeed hair metal as well (primarily Van Halen)
But yeah, we had no interest in Nam, despite Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, and I think - Hamburger Hill? There may have been a few more as well (yeah, A N). Anyway, those events, or the other critical events of our parent's lives, never came up at all.
For me, all of that stuff - the major events of the 60s and 70s - became of heavy interest by the time I reached my 40s.
I think, in fact I know, none of my crew, none of the guys I grew up - one couldn't talk Viet Nam or Nixon or JFK with any of them - even today.
Fortunately I have my Father.
Ok, nice chatting with you - best wishes.