I have to disagree and say that just after having finished watching it right now I think this movie is just garbage. I agree with the original reasoning and not wanting to see it. Eli Roth being producer has cursed this movie again. And the "found footage" thing was annoying and unoriginal throughout.
Only one thing I did like is how the two Protestant groups they used in the film, one that Cotton comes from, and second which the other "pastor" was alleged to be a part of (Pentacostal) are both very poorly reputed groups in the real world.
I am a Christian as well and I belong to those people who actively criticize tricksters like Cotton (Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen,) and I believe pentecostals who speak in "tongues" are a fraud as well. So I definitely was relieved that they actually depicted those people as frauds since they are considered frauds by many Christians in real world.