I was loving this movie but I feel like it sold out... Of course it would have been anti climactic but the whole supernatural thing should not have been real. What I loved about this was how it was actually different, it was realistic, about how the priest didn't really believe what he was doing was real but because the people who thought they were being possessed did believe it, it helped. It was more about their beliefs, since they beloved it, it made it real despite what the priest originally thought and the reality. I knew they were going to end it the way they did, it is a horror movie after all, but I was hoping they wouldn't.
I just watched it now after last seeing it at the theater, and this was how I felt. I was hoping FINALLY for a reality based ending.
Then again, someone else mentioned that the ending might not have been supernatural at all. And the idea of the priest having the woman remove a fake baby from the girl and make it appear real to the viewers, and then doing something hokey with the fire was actually an interesting thought, because it would be like the psychotic devil worshipping priest was doing what Cotton had done in his past. Put on a show that followers wanted to believe.
The rest was just murder after that, nothing seemingly supernatural. I prefer to see it that way now.
Wow...where do you start with this movie? Obviously I've been MIA the last 4 years as tonight was the 1st time seeing this one & the take of it being real or not is hopefully what the producers, directors & actors were aiming for from the start.
Look at the many threads & what's crazier is I've actually read ALL of them! So many takes & interpretations & it's great to see where SOME not ALL can agree to disagree as this digs deep into both religious & demonic realms. I'm a yes/no person but I'm struggling right now as I feel like a fish flopping on a boat dock.
Somebody wanted this preacher to come to this house as he received a letter? If the cult in the end was chanting "banana bread" then there has to be a connection to Cotton or exorcisms as Cotton's father handed down a "family" book listing the names of demons. Do I think Nell was possessed? Yes but not by a demon from Hell but from abuse at the hand of a demon in the form of man.
I believe Nell became pregnant but not via her father or brother but by the cult leader AKA Church Pastor as Nell was removed from SS & home schooled to cover the pregnancy & sexual abuse discovered by her Father. The bloody items in the beginning were from slaughtered animals or maybe from delivering a baby & the animals were killed as a cover up or to throw us off.
The cast was awesome & I would love to say that about the movie BUT it's as if it took months to write the script & the deadline came & the ending was decided on the last day of shooting the film! I don't equate this film to a slasher genre but more of an occult type which makes you think rather than react.
IMO, this movie has both positive & negative aspects for both Christians & Atheists & any religion for that matter. As far as Cotton not acting like a Christian...that's the greatest example of one as they're not perfect like society thinks they should be. He believed & then the BIRTH of a sick child caused him to question his faith but was restored in the end. Isn't that a little ironic as in the last days the Devil believes he rules the world when in actuality Christ comes & saves His people in the end!
It's worth a 2nd watch to pick apart the details based on threads or maybe just watch it again like it's... a movie!
While I do agree that the movie is bad, I think your reasoning for that opinion are kind of selfish, or basically not relevant. I don't think it is valid to to say the movie is ruined because it's premise doesn't correspond to your beliefs, which I assume are some sort of skepticism, which would include atheism and/or agnosticism. I dislike what the premise of The Gidfather is, I hate the killers who run the mafia, but I have to admit that the movie is a quality film (note: I do not think The Last Exorcism is a quality film, lol)
For example the movie Frailty is a very good movie and is well reviewed by many people. It is a much much better movie than The Last Exorcism. But it has something simmar to what you dislike. Not exactly, but if you saw Frailty, you know what I mean.
> I don't think it is valid to to say the movie is ruined because it's premise doesn't correspond to your beliefs, which I assume are some sort of skepticism, which would include atheism and/or agnosticism.
I don't believe that is what the OP is trying to say. He/She made no comment on the religious nature of the ending. HE said that it just doesn't fit with the rest of the movie and I agree.
For 90% of the movie, whether she was or wasn't possessed was left up in the air. There were plenty of clues that she was possessed and plenty that she wasn't. It would have been a better movie if the ending was consistent with the rest of the movie.
Or, at least, given us bigger clues and leave us wondering. But, instead, they just made everything 100% crystal clear as to everyone's motives and participation.
Or, they could give us a lot of subtle clues and let the internet pick them apart.
-- What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?