Saw this movie at a theater (spoilers)
I went to see this movie as soon as it came out at the theater. I was expecting something totally different than what I ended up seeing. I have to admit, after it was over, I was disappointed. I ended up buying the movie on blu-ray and watched the movie a couple of times. I didn't see how frightening it was until after my second viewing. That demon that possessed Nell knew exactly how to play Cotton, his crew and the girl's father. It was there the whole time just toying with Cotton. It knew how he would react to everything. If you watch the scene in the barn again, Abalam tells Cotton that Nell is in the fire and he will soon join her, which later in the movie Cotton did end up in the fire. The drawings that Nell did that depicted how each one of the crew would die. Her creepy brother and the rest of the people in that town who were all a part of it. Very eerie and disturbing.