'Atheists hate the ending'?
I'm kind of surprised by the notion which I've seen on this board that atheists don't like the ending because it turns out that Nell really is possessed.
I'm surprised because:
a.) I'm pretty sure we all knew she would be possessed when we decided to watch this movie. As an atheist, I don't expect the movies I watch to conform with my expectations of reality. I walked into this movie counting on the fact that there would be demons. In fact, I would have been disappointed if there weren't any.
b.) I'm also pretty sure that most people hate the ending for the same reason I did. The whole film kind of had an air of plausibility surrounding it that I was really enjoying. The characters seemed pretty real, their dialogue was believably awkward, and the possession scenes all kind of had a plausible deniability thing going on that left them nicely open for interpretation, so a giant CGI fireball made for a huge, unwelcome tonal shift. The worst of it is, they probably could have done an ending with the same basic plot elements while keeping the tone they'd set and I wouldn't have complained.
c.) I actually feel like the ending of this movie is really, really atheistic. Yeah, Cotton gets his faith back, but it doesn't really accomplish anything. He still dies. Everyone dies. He doesn't save anyone; he doesn't stop the demon. Everyone seems pretty well-screwed, and his leap of faith may well have actively doomed the camera crew. There's no divine intervention present, and the God of the movie seems either powerless to help Cotton defeat the demon, unwilling to help, or just...absent. I don't know; I think if I was Christian, the ending of this movie would bother me.
Compare this to the ending of The Exorcist where
Father Karras regains his faith and sacrifices his life (and possibly his immortal soul or something, what with the dying possessed and committing suicide, but I was never clear on that), but because of his sacrifice, Reagan is saved. It's a beautiful gesture, and it gives the ending of the film actual meaning. It's an overtly Christian ending, and that never stopped me from liking it.
It's possible I disliked the ending to The Last Exorcism because it just wasn't very good, is what I'm getting at.