Favourite "Proof"?

What proof, be it a light anomaly, evp voice, banging, ovilus, etc do you like the best? I love the Kinect thing, when it shows a stick figure out of nowhere. Who the hell knows if it's true but it gives me the bajeases every single time.


I was just thinking of that thing. Did you see the band playing instruments on the stage in that one prison? omg


Seriously? That thing is the biggest load of BS. I completely stop paying attention when they use that device. Thermal imaging camera is my favorite, seems hard to fake some of that and it wasn't invented by Bill Chappel.


The kinect thing is true, the only thing wrong with it is that it gives out false readings. Like if there is an object that the kinect reads as a "person" let's say a chair, the kinect will formulate a skeletal line of that object.

Although, I have seen some crazy creepy Kinect images. Like for instance an investigator holding out her hand to shake the ghost, then that kinect figure raises its hand to shake. It's on youtube somewhere.

The EVPs could be hit or miss, too. You can hear something and think it's a voice, when it could have just been a pigeon or a car passing by that made a sound that sounded like a voice.

We've captured an interesting EVP that creeped us out. It lasted about a minute and there were two guys arguing about something. We recorded it in what used to be a court house, around 2am.

Trailer for my movie - BEATEN
on IMDb


Kinect, full-spectrum camera and rem pod.
