The Reseda House

Do you reckon Devon was a bit high at the time of the interview or was he just plain terrified?


He does look like a drug addict and he never explained how the six people died (drug overdose)

Bottom line, The Ghost Adventures investigated a drug house. lol

An Open Secret Documentary


Oooo yes the back story is totally suss as. Like the death of the house owner/drug dealer (wasn't he a quadriplegic?) or did i miss that bit of info?


There was likely mental illness involved with those people also.



D@mn place reminded me of some of the old Gay Drug & Sex Dens my friends in Orlando use to frequent. Yes, I went a few times. I'm not gay, but they had the best drugs & some of the guys were a Blast to hang around with.

~^~ "All Games Contain the Concept of Death" James Douglas Morrison ~^~


It reminded me of the house my mates (back in the 90s) had up in QLD. They were the nicest guys on earth with a massive waterfront house with jetty and it was the funniest place to hang out with. They would throw a party for you when I flew up the coast for a week holidays. Parties galore those 2 years in that riverside house, it sadly ifell apart for them. The house was rented and they went broke, the mad parties gone...but the memories stay strong


Imagine LIVING in that friggen house...?! I think I'd need something to "steady" myself, just to visit. I also noticed that poor man mentioned they were trying to SELL it.

You KNOW there's something going on when 2 of Zak's slaves revolt. Aaron will go down to any dark, filthy, freaky death-filled basement to talk to a demon, on Zak's orders. I forget what Zak wanted him to do, ("go in that room, Aaron"), but he didn't even argue with him, he just walked outside. Smart.

And the new drama queen... oy vey. But, Zak was being such a... Zak. ("Go into the room, Billy. Go in. Go in now, Billy. Billy, go into that room now.")

That did not look like a "party house", or a crack house, or anything like that to me. It looked VERY creepy, and it has a reputation, I guess. I doubt anything is going on there, because of the RICO Act, the "lovely" pols of Cali can just claim the house if there were. The last thing those guys would do is advertise on a popular TV show.

Ever wonder WHY people take such harsh, powerful drugs? Or how/why people lose their sanity? I think paranormal influence is a lot more common & widespread than just the haunted house on the hill.


There is no way i would spend 5 mins in that creepy house!

Oh dear Zak really goes over the top in the drama queen department at times. Makes you want to give him "a good bitchslap" at times lol.

As people who've done the harder drugs..try and work along side those types..real painful to work with (one lady who was an ex-herion addict was a nightmare!!! She make up wild conspiracy tales and when you don't agree with her, she would go psycho at you...)it's quite sad to watch these folks lifestyles meltdown thru hard drugs. It's not worth losing your mind and everything else.


I was quite surprised when they wasted all that time saying that there was black mass, freaking out and making each other go into rooms. When something like that comes in, should they not, oh I do not know, ask questions on their recorders? Or perhaps bring out their thermal imaging camera?

Something tells me that that was a fake attempt to get us to believe there was something. Usually, I like to believe that some things are true on this investigation, but MAN, stick to the investigation and not ordering people around! They probably missed some good evidence.



That's a really good point. And why go into a room with something in it by yourself?! I think that's a Zak rule -- as long as it's not him. Get the machines you use, and go in en mass, ask your questions, etc.

This last show, with the old lady serial killer(?), didn't he say something to the effect "I'm going into this room by myself because I always have Aaron do it...", or what ever. Of course he gets brave when it's an old lady ghost, and not a zozo demon...!! And what did he do, lay down in bed, fall asleep then fall out of bed...?! Hey, it was a long day of drinking beer & watching computer porn I guess. ;9)B


Did anyone notice this? An ugly faced head thing on the fridge behind zak around the 30 minute mark. I I haven't had a chance to rewatch it yet to see for myself what this article is talking about. Just wondering if anyone saw this and could debunk it.



I guess that makes two missed things this season.


Both, but mostly high. 😂
