If Ghost Hunters did cocaine...
...this is what it might look like.
Holy craaaaap, these guys are wild. I caught this last episode "Goatman's Bridge" tonight, but otherwise I've only seen a couple episodes, and that was years ago.
I always thought these guys were trying to fill the void left by Paranormal State (that whole audience that likes ghost hunting, but also loves the demonic/satanic angle), but whooooah... Apparently, they've really embraced that little niche and today they're going full balls-out, no shame.
I was mostly kidding about the cocaine thing, although I do get that vibe from that one guy with the goatee. If he's not using, I'd be really surprised.
I'll have to look up some recent episodes on Netflix or somewhere, because if every episode is THAT redonkulous now, I could see this show being fun to watch. Like, somebody's gettin' possessed every episode, and they got these "occult specialists" casting magic missiles of holiness and mopping up demons left and right... Satanic rituals, summoning demons just to banish their asses, lol... Sign me up!