new Ellsberg

Someone in the DoD leaked this video & audio because the content made them feel as The Pentagon Papers made Ellsberg feel; however, our information stream is wider and more cluttered than the one we had in 1972.


our information stream is wider and more cluttered than the one we had in 1972.
And we don't have a respected and responsible media that we can trust. Any information, such as the Pentagon Papers, will be out there on the internet, but will become lost amongst all the conspiracy junk.

"If I knew the way, I would take you home" ("Ripple")


Not at all true, as Wikileaks has proven.


I agree - our media today is much more effective preceicely because it is available for all to contribute to and access. EXACTLY like Wikileaks.


Our network for information is better, but the quality of information is no better. The media is seperate to both of these, and it too has an agenda that is no more admirable than that in the 60s.

Information isn't knowledge, and knowledge isn't wisdom.

Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.


The Media today is NOT in the Individual's best interests at all.
It hasn't been for a very long time.
All the Main Stream Media today is Corporate Owned and falls in line with the Government and the Power Elite in all Governments and Big Business.

Watch the documentary 'War Made Easy'...WITH an Open Mind.
All the major media outlets supported the war in Iraq.
View in that film about the lies and dis-info used in the Viet Nam War.
Any 'questioning' of what our government and military were planing to do was shouted down as UN-Patriotic.

I never could understand how people fall for that.
Speaking up and asking questions of our Government IS Patriotic.
It is one of the main corner stones of what our Founding Fathers envisioned for this country.
Especially if it is going to involve sending our Men & Women off to a war zone and put THEIR lives on the line.

There were two Senators against escalation of the Viet Nam War back in 1964.
(The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution)
Here is one of those two that spoke out....
His name is: Senator Wayne Morse.
Watch this YouTube Link about Patriotic Americans:
(This is the last few minutes of the documentary 'War Made Easy'. It ends with a great speech by MLK)

Think OutSide of the 'Box'!
