MovieChat Forums > Wrecked (2011) Discussion > Good movie, but not for everyone

Good movie, but not for everyone

I love movies with a small cast trapped in one location.
Brake, Burried, Cube, Breathing Room, The Killing Room, Hunger, Splinter, Langoliers, Identity and so on.

This movie I found by checking such a list of movies and since I like Adrien Brody, I checked it out.

What I saw was an interesting and GOOD movie, but clearly one that is not going to pease a wide audience. Many people here say the movie is crap and that you shouldn't see it. Well I'd say, see for yourself.

***spoilers ahead***

I liked the way Brody played this man who knows as little as the viewer does when he wakes up at the beginning of the movie.
I liked the way he portrayed the frustration, the hallucination, some moments were even funny in a way, like when he scared the cougar away by firing his gun.
Theres a camera angle from behind the seat Brody's in filming how he turns his head to the dead guy in te backseat saying "I told him to go away" or something. The sheer madness and the frustrations and delusions have a comical element to them sometimes. But don't get fooled. The overal feeling I had while watching Adrien crawl around with a broken leg through the moist forest was FEAR! When he look up at the horizon and sees nothing but green hills for as far as the eye can see, the hopelessness struck me.

Good movie. But like I said, for a small audience.



Compress it to 45 minutes. The story could work as an episode of some tv series where this happens to a main character.
