MovieChat Forums > Wrecked (2011) Discussion > Guy robbing car in forest

Guy robbing car in forest

The scene, where Brody is on upper zone, and then a guy appears, and start robbing the car,and both point a gun each other, was that a dream???Because the money bag stills there, then later, he can find a pack with pills,and inside a cave, there is another guy dead,which I think that is the guy who was robbing before,and that tripped there and got killed...or was killed by the puma?? I even thought that he was in purgatory, since he imagined so much, and that he was walking in circles .

Allways do it with an Architect


its not a puma, its a mountain lion.


why he kill the girl for?


Puma and Mountain Lion and Cougar are the same, it depends the of the place you found it. Jaguar and Black panther are diff and dif name!. You can check it!

The girl didn't die,its his imagination always. THe girls stayed behind in the robbery.

Allways do it with an Architect


We call them "Kountry Kittens" in these parts. It seems to me like a lot of this film was left on the cutting room floor. I enjoyed it but it was predictable and you know pretty much in the beginning he's a victim. You could tell by the way he was dressed.


its not a puma, its a mountain lion.

Same thing.

It's a cougar: puma concolor, aka puma, mountain cat, catamount, panther and mountain lion -- depending solely upon which part of the Americas you live in.


Nope, i think the guy who stole the money is real, and somehow he died in the cave, either by the mountain lion or tripped.


The guy had to be real since our protagonist found his corpse and phone soon after under a rock. But on the other hand its pretty weird that a guy would just come out of nowhere, rob the car and leave instead of helping the injured guy.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin


Are you really that much naive ?


Just saw it on Netflix. Loved the ending...made the movie.

The man at the trunk was in his head. He was the third man in the robbery, hurt in the crash, bled to death at the top of the hill. Brody's head had to account for the missing third man somehow in his tangled mind. He knew there where three bad guys. At that time he was assuming one was him, but his subconcious knew was our first clue that the three bad guys announced (by Brody's voice) on the radio had one guy unaccounted for at the scene of the accident.

When Brody checked the trunk before venturing (50 feet) from the vehicle), he saw all the money that there was left. The very able bodied person at the trunk wouldn't have dropped that bag. (Heck, I paused it and thought about getting it). Brody crawled all the way back just to see the same money he saw when he left. Even at that point...he didn't see money, he saw firewood :-)



Just saw the movie. First, pumas and mountain lions are the same thing. A person pointing out that they are different is both silly and wrong.

Anyways, sjmill01 has it totally wrong. The guy robbing the trunk was clearly real, was clearly NOT the third robber (Raymond Plazzy) and was clearly killed by a mountain lion and dragged into the mountain lion's lair.


The man in the woods was not in his head. If you pay close attention to the bank robbery scene, you'll notice there were actually multiple bags of money that were put in the trunk.
The man in the woods is obviously a hunter (given the fact that he's carrying a hunting rifle) who stumbles upon the car and finds the money and the dead body before he notices Adrien Brody's character, who is a little ways away laying on the ground. I don't know about you, but if I found a wrecked car in the woods with a dead body in it and there was a trunk full of money and no one else around, I'd certainly take a bag for myself. The hunter is clearly caught off guard when Brody's character calls out to him. But the moment he realizes the other man's leg is hurt and there's no way he can catch him, he takes off with one of the bags of money (most likely all he could carry given the weight of a duffel filled with cash and the fact that he was also carrying the rifle).
Shortly thereafter (although we don't see it) the hunter is obviously attacked and killed by the mountain lion and then dragged to the cave (which is apparently the mountain lion's lair). This is the body Brody's character discovers and the cell phone he finds clearly belonged to the hunter, having fallen out of his pocket while the mountain lion was dragging his body into the cave.
None of the men involved in the robbery were black. The hunter and the body in the cave are both black (which makes perfect sense, seeing as how they are the same character played by the same actor - Adrian Holmes).
Hope this clears everything up. :)


I believe that the man robbing the car is a hallucination. There were three bank robbers all killed in the crash.

1 - in the back seat of the car
2 - on the top of the hill next to the road seen at the end of the movie
3 - on the hillside next to the car 2 minutes in to the film

at two minutes into the movie you see the dead robbers body on the hillside. On a night where he is still trapped in the car Brody fires a shot at the mountain lion as it was attempting to drag that dead robber away. Notice in all three cases of the mountain lion it drags the dead men away. When Brody stumbles upon the mountain lion's den, I believe he finds the body of the man that was on the hillside so early in the film. The cat must have finally dragged the man up there when Brody wasn't around or aware.

Also, Brody never went over and inspected the body of the guy on the hillside (didn't go through his wallet or take his clothes), so we never saw what he looked like.

Because Brody cannot walk and basically drags himself where he needs to go, the cougars den is most likely very very close to the crash site. The cat could have very easily have dragged the body up there.

With that said, I thought it was a very good movie despite all the negative reviews.


I repeat...
The body in the cave was played by Adrian Holmes (an African-American actor), the same actor who played the man taking money from the trunk.
This clearly implies that the man in the woods was NOT a hallucination.


I agree, the man at the trunk was real.
He met his demise at the claws and fangs of the mountain lion.


The guy was definately real.... you see money that he dropped later in the movie, also the guy finds his phone and his backpack, not to mention his body.

And by the way, threadsilly, this statement that you made....

******Also, Brody never went over and inspected the body of the guy on the hillside (didn't go through his wallet or take his clothes), so we never saw what he looked like.******

... is totally false. Did you miss the part where he took the man's belt off to tie around his leg??? The obviously WHITE man's belt??? With the very white stomache??? And it clearly shows all three of the real robbers at the end of the movie in the flashback. All very white men, not black. The man robbing the car is real.


@broadwaybrawler: Very well-stated. I'm not sure why so many people want to believe that the black hunter was one of the three white bank robbers! :D

Perhaps the popular confusion is a sign of poor direction, at least in part. With the female hallucination - and potentially, the dog's presence - many viewers may not trust that the hunter was simply an opportunist that left behind what he thought was a dangerous armed robber (Brody's nameless character). Perhaps the hunter, via his conscience, would have dialed-in an anonymous 911 call later - from a pay phone to not be tracked to the missing money - but, alas, he was attacked by a mountain lion and dragged to a cave. As luck would have it, Brody was then able to use his cell phone and other items. No hallucination to that end.

Even if a viewer is to mistakenly assume that the hunter was a hallucination, I am blown away by the second assumption that he was one of the bank robbers too...when at the end we clearly see that he did not come out of that bank or ever get into the car. While he was an impulsive trunk "robber", it's clear that he has nothing to do with the bank heist.

Anyway, it seems we've got a "money is the root of all evil" theme going on in this film. All the men who greedily chose money met their death and were ultimately eaten by a mountain lion. The end.
