The woman(SPOILERS)

Personally i enjoyed the movie quite a bit, and thought Adrien Brody's acting was great. A few times we see his girlfriend , but all of those are hallucinations or dreams. However, near the ending of the movie we see him fighting and eventually killing her. Surely this was a hallucination as well, right?

The flashback showed him being taken by the bankrobbers and the girlfriend couldn't do anything. So she can't have been in that forest as well. Each time he got these hallucinations, it was made obvious that it was just that...hallucinations. However after 'killing' her, it wasn't all that clear at all if this was real or not. Of course this was the intention, but i'm just curious about what others think.


I enjoyed the film as well, I like films that mess with your head. Clearly his girlfriend wasnt in the forest with him and she was meant as a red herring to make us think she was the teller at the bank and he had killed her. Secondly the negative-type hallucinations with her were most likely influenced by the conflict they had been having prior to him being taken hostage.

There is NO Gene for the Human Spirit.


Ok, I am confused by this woman. I thought the his girlfriend and the illusion in the forest were two different women? In his recollection, we see him walking down the street and get abducted by the band robber while this woman who we later see in the forest is sitting on the bench witnessing this whole thing. His girlfriend just happened to be sitting on the bench while he was walking by? What am I missing here?


If you want to reply to the OP, please go back to the OP's message to Reply, thanks!


The girlfriend dropped him off in front of the store after they quarreled. She parked and went to get something to drink or whatever. She was simply sitting on the bench, waiting for him...and witnessed his abduction as a hostage.


Their relationship was dead before the car stopped in front of the bank. They were repeating their fights (been there).

His subconcious killed the relationship. To differ with Castaway, his being cast away led him to recognize that where he was in life with her, was not where he should be going forward.

Awesome ending.



It was an hallucination so maybe he thought he killed his relationship with her. I don't understand how you feel he killed his relationship with her by him hallucinating his vision of killing her. For all we know she may have forgiven him and the are together at the end.


I thought that while it was happening. . .maybe that version of her was real. And then when he was riding away and realized he was not the bad guy, I figured he was thinking, "I killed her. I killed her." Maybe he still was, even though it would make more sense that the last version was still a hallucination. Otherwise, why would she be looking for him on her own?

I think he killed her because she had been toying with him. Plus he was starving and dehydrated and probably infected and had lost a lot of blood. It sort of messes with your head a bit.


She was just a hallucination. It was symbolic of their problems and the potential end of their relationship. Otherwise, she was at home awaiting police/searchers to find him. Who knows if they'll continue their relationship.


My interpretation is similar to mushie--the guy wasn't simply symbolically killing an already dead relationship, or subconsciously realizing he shouldn't be with this woman (even if it was true that they were near a breakup). He killed her in an hallucination because he thought she was the enemy, and I bet he had a real "oh, *beep* moment when he got his memory back and realized she was his lover.

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"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley


Yeah and could he ever really even go back to her in real life, knowing that he killed her in a hallucination?
