MovieChat Forums > Wrecked (2011) Discussion > Adrien Brody is a great actor but this f...

Adrien Brody is a great actor but this film is pretentious sheeit.

I said it.

Don't bother with this, watch Cast Away. Thinks it's far cleverer than it is.


Agreed...but from a generational standpoint, it's time for another Cast Away...or is it Castaway...with a twist.


I would have to agree Cast Away is a MUCH better film. So is 127 Hours.



I agree. But the bar is set so low here. Adrien Brody (AD from here) is moving around in the leaves by using the elbow drag. AD stops & his face makes some expressions. Rinse, repeat.

Although I must admit....I was changing channels & saw him in a wrecked car in the woods by I missed the start which at times can be crucial. But then reading this tells me the start & it doesn't elevate the movie.

What a great role for whoever played his girlfriend. I saw her as a mime wandering the woods thats tied to AD somehow. But u gotta take what u can get in stabinthebackwood. AD looks around....does some elbow lays back & closes his eyes.

The movie had potential but it was toooo slooow. And it was predictable. When AD crossed the road to see if the mountain lion was gone & he didn't see it & was relieved. U knew that cat was coming back.

I disagree with how many movies are rated here. But if it's in the low 5's like I think this was. Its a waste like the other person said, & I want my time back.

Where is Kathy Bates when you need her?





boring! and no its not realistic.


Prententious in what way? Sure, it was boring and poorly executed but it wasn't pretentious. The main problem with the movie is the way that it stretches it's super thin plot into a full lenghth feature and the way it deals with the subject matter. I'm not going to spoil things for those who haven't seen the movie but it makes sense and has a clear agenda in the movie and doesn't try to go beyond it's intended boundaries to appear self-important.




It didn't pretend to be anything it wasn't. It was a simple story and obviously not for everyone.


I don't understand why people are having a hard time with this movie. It's not "pretentious sheeit," nor is it academy award-winning stuff, but it was OK. It kept my attention most of the way and I didn't have a problem figuring anything out. Yet people keep having to figure out alternate spellings of "sheeit" so they can bypass the auto swear censor & make an even bigger jackass out of themselves aside from the fact that they have to troll and go on about a movie they didn't like. If you didn't like it, ignore it. Why do you feel the need to come to the message board to rant about it?

It wasn't meant to be Cast Away. The movie itself doesn't think anything, least of all that it's more clever than it presumes to be. A guy was in a wreck & he has amnesia, big deal. It's not M.Night Shamalamadingdong that we're talking about here.

Personally I think the movie has a few flaws, and the major one is that if his leg(s) were shattered as badly as they make you think, then he would not be able to even drag himself around as much as he did. He also would have been much, much sicker for lack of nutrition and would likely die of dehydration quickly, before ever getting out of the car, let alone getting a fire started. The amount of energy he expended just trying to get the car door open would have sapped all his reserves, and he wouldn't have been crawling around at all. But of course it's a movie, suspension-of-belief and all that.

Anyway, get over yourself. This thread isn't as clever as it thinks it is.
