MovieChat Forums > The Umbrella Academy (2019) Discussion > Dear Umbrella Academy show-runners...

Dear Umbrella Academy show-runners...

No one cares about Page's character whatever their gender is.
Allison is too unpleasant a person - you can't redeem someone who enslaves people on a whim.
The knife-boy and the ape-boy are occasionally fun but ultimately too stupid to be interesting.

What we want is Number 5 in his sociopathic glory and Klaus doing crazy stuff.
Thank you.

P.S. Lila is a bonus

P.P.S. Apart from the dance-off season 3 was a dud.


Yep. Allison was always just a boring character. She kept wondering around being lost in season 1. Then she was all BLM in season 2. Now she was just straight out annoying in season 3. At the end I couldnt stand her obnoxious tantrums and no one cares about her stupid daughter that was briefly shown in season 1. No one is invested in her. So no one cares for Allison to be reunited.

Page’s character should have been killed off in season 1. Most useless character. I FastForwarded all her scenes in season 2 because they had no connection to main story.
