MovieChat Forums > Kill Your Darlings (2024) Discussion > Ben Foster's a bit young...

Ben Foster's a bit young...

or the rest of the cast are too old and this is actually about homicidal teenagers who are all bisexual.... NAAH but seriously Ben Foster who's playing Willam S Burroughs the dope fiend poet who's part of the beat 'society' along with Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and Lucian Carr all of which are portrayed in this movie accuratly(?) are all suppose to be around a decade younger then Old Bull Lee... sorry I mean William Burroughs which is not the case with Ben Foster compared to Jack Huston, Dane Dehaan and Harry Potter.


Huston, playing Kerouac is playing older than he is and Radcliffe is playing Ginsberg four years younger than himself. But there is actually almost a decade between Radcliffe and Foster so Foster is playing pretty close to Burrough's real age at the time. Ginsberg and Carr are the bisexual homicidal teens in this.


haha yeh i no cheers for the reply


I think Carr was the only murderer...other then Bill who killed his wife in Mexico but much later.

Ginsberg was very young and probably believed Lucian's lameass story.


i was joking for krists sake


I know this discussion was months ago but... Ben Foster is three years older than William Burroughs was at the time of the Kammerer murder.

Meanwhile, Dane DeHaan, who looks younger than Lucien Carr did at that time, is in fact eight years older.


so ben fosters a tiny bit young then isn't he
