Really liked it

Finally opened in my area. Very interesting, also much more dramatic than I thought a period piece about poets would be. All the characters were well drawn and distinct and you could get a taste of what even the secondary characters were about just through their small stories and how they fit together. The non period music does take you out of the movie a bit in two instances but it didn't really bother me. The period atmosphere was well done considering that it was a low budget movie. It is a pretty conventional movie and really not very 'gay' at all in spite of all the press about it.


I enjoyed the film, too. I thought Daniel Radcliffe was very good as Ginsberg and the other cast members were also excellent. I liked the songs of the era that were played throughout, but I thought some of the soundtrack was a bit overbearing at times. I also kind of liked the anachronistic modern songs that seemed quite punk rocky to me - I assumed the movie was paralleling the punk music movement with the Beat Generation's literary rebellion.

I thought the unrequited love element of the story worked really well - a plain young man falling for a beautiful one. Dane DeHaan and Michael C. Hall played the exploitative younger man and the besotted older one really well. I felt so sorry for Kammerer.


I really enjoyed it! Well, it didn't make me feel a great deal if I'm honest - the words at the end created a chill inside and greater feeling than the film did, but still I enjoyed it - I thought it was good and interesting, if not emotionally engaging. It made me want to read the book mentioned and Ginsberg's poetry (I have only read a little Kerouac of the beat poets) and I reckon thus it has achieved something. I gave it 7/10 but I thought it was great for what it was - I liked it's style, I like how it felt like it's era and I thought the performances worked well for the film.

I was also shocked to discover Ben Foster played Burroughs. I was thinning he looked familiar but would not have placed him at all had the credits not told me!

Anyway! I enjoyed it. I also had a private screening of the film since nobody else turned up. The mind boggles!
