Does Dane..

Does he have a large, medium or small role?


I'd say he's the main character after Dan.


Dane came out of this as the one to watch and not Dan. I agree totally as I saw it at the London film festival.

"Don't sit down because I've moved your chair"... Alex Turner


Agreed. I know it's been said in tons of reviews already, but this was Dane's movie. He stole it from everyone and made it his own.


I guess you must have found something interesting about the film after all. Before you were saying you weren't interested in it and didn't understand why they were releasing another Beat Film so soon. Are you a fan of Dane's? Is that why you decided to see it? I always find it so weird when people complain about a film being released, yet they are the first ones to go and see it. So I guess I'm just curious as to your change of heart on the film. Wondering if it's Dane's involvement that enticed you to go.


Why do you care?

I am still not interested in the Beats. Was forced to read Howl and On the Road by an alcoholic English professor and not a fan... not my literary cup of tea.

"Don't sit down because I've moved your chair"... Alex Turner


I just find it weird is all. Just wondering if Dane was the pull to get you to see the film or not. I was just asking out of curiosity really. I see people do that on the internet all the time. They'll be like "Twilight is so bad. I can't get into how cheesy it is" Then on opening night of a Twilight film, they'll be like "I'm going to see the new Twilight film tonight. I'm being dragged to it!" lol It's like.......... sure you are.

There's got to be something that makes these people go see the films they claim to have no interest in.


I will watch anything when an actor that I like is in it. DeHaan is doing some really good stuff, and I would see just about anything that he is in. Even if the subject of the movie is not interesting to some people, if their favorite actor is in it, it will be enough to get them into the theater.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'



Thank you for responding. He's an amazing actor and I can hardly wait to watch this.


From what I have seen from the released clips on the internet of KYD, Dane is very powerful and commands the screen in each shot that he is in. He is interesting to watch. This is the first I have heard of Dane. Dan seems to hold his own, but I would have to watch the entire film before I can make a comment about Dans screen presence in KYD. I live in Upstate New York, and will probably have to wait until it is released on DVD. To fly to NYC to see the film would be nice, but I would have to plan more events than to just view a movie down there.


He's almost on par with Dan for screen time.





As a rule I try not to judge unless I've checked it out for myself. While I am not interested in the Beats or some of their writing... I've actually read some. Have you? I wanted to judge based on my experience not through someone else.

I went to see Twilight and Hunger Games too because of all of the hoopla and hated both of them. But at least when I say I like or dislike something I can back it up with personal experience.

I saw many films in the London Film Festival... not just this one and wasn't necessarily interested in the subject.

"Don't sit down because I've moved your chair"... Alex Turner


Oh ok. Fair enough. I generally tend to stay away from things that don't interest me. I don't like to waste my time, especially when watching them in a theatre where it costs more money and I can't just shut the movie off like I do at home. However, like you said, sometimes you'll never know whether or not you like something, unless you actually see it.
