MovieChat Forums > Kill Your Darlings (2024) Discussion > The sex scene is a nightmare for me

The sex scene is a nightmare for me

Throughout this whole movie I was alway thinking about Harry Potter. And when it comes to sex, when I saw Daniel NAKED and actucally DOING THAT!!!I was like WHAT HAPPENED!!!!! Get off Harry Potter okay!!! You monster!!! In a word, this movie destroy my pure and innocent childhood memories. Damn you, whoever let Harry Potter do this... I'm gonna go cry myself a river now. T^T


Troll alert.

I didn't see Harry Potter in this at all. Daniel Radcliffe has moved on from that, and this film makes it obvious. Then again, don't know why I'm humoring a troll.


Do you just throw the "troll" label at anything you don't like? Your use of it here makes you look like a dimwit.


Oh, thanks for your thoughtful contribution. I'd rather suppose it's a troll because any person with a dose of maturity and tolerance would not write a post like that one.



No, you sounded pretty dumb. There was nothing trollish about her post. Google 'troll'.


Okay then. If s/he is not a troll, I'll go with "immature."



Some people use "troll" as shorthand for "too stupid to be taken seriously."


pretty hot scene too.



Curious response on your part. If Harry were gay, you'd throw away all the movies? Not very broad, your mind, is it?

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


I hate to break this to you; Daniel Radcliffe isn't REALLY Harry Potter in real life. He is an actor. You know it's like his "job" to play different characters. Just like Kristen Stewart isn't actually a vampire; she's a no talent slut...but she isn't a vampire..

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


It appears that there are people now watching Kill Your Darlings who would not have been judged as being of sufficient maturity to have been allowed to watch it in a cinema. The film is rated R in the United States and 15 in the UK - anyone below the ages specified in those categories and who now complains about the gay content of the film have only themselves to blame - they are obviously not mature enough to have watched it. In addition, anyone who is unable to separate a fictional character from the actor who played a character of the same name in a film is clearly unable to understand what the word 'actor' means. Daniel Radcliffe has, during his career, been seen on screen as a 19th century orphan, the son of a Panamanian tailor, a orphan wizard, an Australian orphan, a soldier in the 1914-18 war, a widowed solicitor, and a teenage freshman at Columbia - he will play many more diverse characters in the years to come. He is not, by the way, an orphan, a solicitor or a wizard, neither is he a soldier nor an American freshman. He is Daniel Radcliffe, an English actor.


Dane DeHaan is actually a MUCH better actor than Radcliffe, which might explain his superior performance in "Kill Your Darlings." Plus he seems to be the kind of guy who would be very comfortable with the subject matter, and sexuality in general. He reminds me alot of the late River Phoenix, who seemed to have no barriers or limitations as an actor. From the looks of your post, you seem to be a Radcliffe fan, as you are really familiar with his work. I have never seen those "Harry Potter" films; I have only seen Radcliffe in "The Woman In Black," and I thought his performance was fair at best. I'm surprised anyone would even notice Radcliffe if he was sharing the screen with someone as talented as DeHaan..but that is just personal taste I guess..

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


Totally agree!
I'm not a Daniel fan but a Harry Potter fan. "Kill Your Darlings" is the first movie I watch has Daniel Radcliffe in but not as Harry Potter, so I feel not so comfortable about the sex scene(coz HP represents my childhood memories).
What impress me most in this movie is Dane DeHaan actually. But I think Dane was doing better in Chronicle.

BTW I think he is incredibly beautiful. Even more than most of the actress nowadays!


Opinions aside about the acting, I thought Daniel and Dane had great chemistry. I could totally believe the Lucien/Allen friendship in the film as completely genuine.

I thought all the performances were great, though. Dane is always superb, and he defintiely stood out. His character was very charismatic, though, so it's no surprise that Daniel would seem average in comparison. But yes, I literally had zero complaints about anyone in this film. Even Elizabeth Olsen did a great job with what little she was given, not that I would have expected any less.


Yeah of course I know Harry Potter is just a character in movie and doesn't really exist in real life. But you can't deny that Harry Potter is the most recognized role that Daniel Radcliffe ever play. He can't get rid of HP even if he try! It's nature that people think of Harry Potter every time they see Daniel, so...


But not everybody has seen the Harry Potter films. When I see Radcliffe I don't think of Harry Potter, especially because he is a grown man now. I think of him as he appears in "Woman In Black," a handsome, very English looking man. And yes I agree with your comment about Dane DeHaan; he is more beautiful than just about any female actress out there!

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


When I see Radcliffe I don't think of Harry Potter, especially because he is a grown man now.

Same. I find it odd that people are so stuck on his Harry Potter character. That was almost four years ago now, I think? Maybe three. Not sure, but the point is, he isn't Harry Potter. People will remember him for that role, but I think he's done a good job of moving past it. When I see him in other roles, I don't think of Harry Potter at all. It's weird that people think of a 24 year old and say, "Ew, but you're still eleven in my mind!" Really? I'd be kind of weirded out if someone said that about me.

That reminds me of when I watched David Copperfield with my grandmother. Radcliffe plays Young David, and when we finished the film, my grandmother asked, "So, which one was Daniel Radcliffe?" Ha! I think that's a good sign. She commented that she didn't recognize him "without the glasses" because he didn't look like Harry Potter at all.

I think that's a good sign.


Why odd? Actors play a part for so long or so well that people don't see them as anything else. Look at Jaleel White. He can't get work because everyone sees him as Urkel. It took a long time for Mark Paul Gosselar to top being seen as Zack Morris. The list goes on and on, and I find it odd that you find it odd.


Well, I recently saw a movie with young Jenny from Forrest Gump all grown up and having sex.

Also, Saoirse Ronan is doing a sex scene in an upcoming movie.


While I suspect you only wrote this mindlessness to get a rise out of people, either way, it's time to grow up. So grow up. Just grow up.


why his an actor

i felt the same way. I kept thinking Harry Potter is Gay. I threw away all my Harry Potter movies.

HAHA your an idiot


yikes,om curious to know how rehearsals went down for this scene,

Only when society changes will the culture change "


The people who appreciated this movie can see beyond harry f(*&*#& pothead. The only failure here is your inability to not be such a typical douchbag movie goer - films are made for you. Cry yourself a river because no one gives a rat ass! Daniel Radcliff did a stupendous job in this film, in much the same way he did with Equus.
