I discovered this film accidently at the public library and watched it last night. It was one of the most brilliantly acted and directed films I've seen in a long time. Most of the actors I was not familiar with except for Michael C. Hall, Daniel Radcliff, and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Apparently the director worked 10 years to produce the film and I'm glad he didn't give up!
I'm familiar with most of the characters having read Ginsburg, Kerouac, Burroughs when I was a kid and a Beat Generation fan. This film brought them all together and it was better than I could have imagined! I've seen other films about Kerouac and Ginsburg, but they never touched on their youth. The Beats were radical during a time that needed change and they provided a start for a movement that flourished and broke from the pre-WWII lull in poetry, etc.