The Dumbest Review of All Time
Seriously, this review shows that some reviewers on IMDB are dumber than a bag of hammers and shouldn't write reviews for anything. This reviewer trashes the show (which is fine) and YET this reviewer decides to give a show he obviously doesn't like a 9/10? Can you say moron? 52% of users actually thought this review was helpful? I'm guessing these 22 users must fall under the legally stupid category.
22 out of 42 people found the following review useful:
Who writes this rubbish?, 5 November 2009
Author: jamigre from NYC, NY
I mean seriously.... watch this and see the holes that come from the writing, it's like swiss cheese. It's just plain bad. The characters are utterly unbelievable, the conversations trite and the whole thing progresses like it was written by a high schooler.
Don't get me wrong, I think the actors aren't half bad in it. And I'm happy to see Baccarin back. But what can a good actor do with a rubbish script? Nothing....
Scott peters should be fired from Hollywood. If you think otherwise, watch it again, or wait for ep2, but pass on the flashy CG and look at what should make a show good, the writing. V lacks this 100%.
You're clearly an idiot, don't get mad because I tell you the truth.