Not even Elizabeth Mitchell could save this
Wow. This was really bad. Just watched the first season and was really disappointed. The writing is boring and the plot is predictable and there are loose ends all over the place. I was a fan of the original series so I wanted to see what they had done to improve on it. Sadly the answer was "very little". With all the technology at the big shot studio's service and I was appalled at how bad the visuals are. The original 1977 Star Wars space ships look better than this one. The acting was terrible in general. The actors playing Father Jack, Ryan and girlfriend, Tyler and girlfriend and Georgie ("Georgie", what a name for a rebel for Pete's sake, no offense to the Georgies) were TERRIBLE. ZERO chemistry. I never bought Morena Baccarin's so-called villainess. Elizabeth Mitchell was the only saving grace of this whole mess.