MovieChat Forums > V (2009) Discussion > Why this series didn't work

Why this series didn't work

The writers didn't have a clear vision, it was absolutely all over the place. The visitors goals were never outlined clearly (Souls? DNA theft? Banging humans?). The red dust was bizarre and pointless, it was as if it didn't matter to humanity at all. The second in command was very hesitant to use it because it would "change everything" and it did nothing.

The writing should have been much better.


Well as to your first point... a large part of the show is figuring out exactly WHY the visitors have come. Personally I liked all the ideas they threw at us, including the soul thing. I love when sci-fi shows use metaphysics. But anyway, in my mind it was one of the main mysteries of the show and I'm glad they kept their reasoning unclear.

The writing under the second showrunner is quite obviously different than the first few episodes, but I loved the whole show. Quite a joy to watch. I've been rewatching it again.


"Betty's voice brought darkness to the land." - Amanda Tanen


This show was a dismal train wreck. It makes me appreciate the original series more. The original V was a poorly constructed made-it-up-as-they-went-along overall arc, but it was fun and playful like a good comic book, and had loveable dynamic characters, and delightful homages/parodies of WWII movies such as Casablanca and 36 Hours. I expected this series to take the same concept and fix all the mistakes this time around, but all it did was create new ones.

My main problems with V 2009.

1. The Visitors' big plan. Although keeping it secret and suspenseful for the first 3 episodes might have worked, I get the feeling that the writers didn't know, and kept making it up as they went along, which was one of V 1983's worst flaws (see above). "They want to eat us and steal our water" is easy to understand and shocks our emotions without requiring excessive technobabble, and lets us root against the aliens easily. This time around it's something like "blablabla...dna...blablabla...breeding...blablabla...more technobabble" and leaves us more confused then agitated against the evil aliens. In fact, it sounds too much like their "evil plan" is interracial coupling, which makes the series seem racist.

2. Not much in the way of comic book style images or scenarios. More scenes of CGI unmasked lizards would have made this series more popular among cultist geeks (did the budget not allow it?), and acts of derring do and heroism would have been welcome as that sort of thing has always been popular. Not a single pitched battle happens in V 2009, yet happened in basically every episode of V 1983.

3. The series is repetitious and uneventful. In just about every episode, the heroes do a lot of detective work and make an astounding discovery, but the discovery ultimately does them no good. There is very little sense of plot progression or building toward a goal, and each character remains pretty much the same throughout, with little sense of growth or character arc development. It feels like every episode is the same exact storyline: the heroes learn something new, find that it's ultimately irrelevant, and get driven away from their goal, possibly with one of them killed. The original had characters who started out childlike and naïve, grew and matured, and in a few cases died so that we felt the loss or at least a sense that the game had just changed drastically. When a few team members died in the new V, I felt nothing. The deaths in the season 2 finale seemed gratuitous and just for shock value rather than serving a purpose. Furthermore, most episodes end with the good guys losing. The original had a sense of triumph at the end of most episodes, even if the bad guys regathered their strength and came back bigger in the next one. This series feels as if it was written by French existentialists.


Why do you think The Original Miniseries was poorly constructed and made up as they went? I think it was a perfectly written metaphor of fascism. The Final Battle had many flaws, otoh, and The TV Series was just baffling.

Everyone is replaceable. Even you.
