Here's who to blame

Whoever hurt or took Natalee is the one to blame. Please stop blaming a young immature girl who acted very foolish. I was on my own working full time and paying rent since I was 18. Where was Natalee at that age? I bet anything she was still getting food put in front of her and her laundry done for her. She lived a very sheltered life and obviously was nowhere near mature enough to be allowed to go to another country without supervision. So you can't blame her for her mistakes just because she's 18. She was still a child. I don't care how much my child would hate me but I would never allow them to go to another country at that stage in her life. It doesn't matter if she was 18. She was a child put into an adult situation and she acted very very foolish. But she in no way shape or form deserved what happened to her. It's disgusting that people are blaming her. Even if it was a grown 35 year old woman who had gotten drunk she wouldn't have deserved some sick people harming her.


Natalee was not a child. She was an adult. Just try telling any 18-year-old that they are a child and see the reaction you get.

The bottom line is Natalee chose to drink herself into a stupor. I don't care if the adult is 18, 25, 35, 55 or any age after 18. They are responsible for their own actions. No, they do not "deserve" to be harmed, but if they CHOOSE to put themself in a mental state where they are incapable of intelligent thought, that IS their own fault.

And by the way, at 18 I did not drink myself into a stupor (actually never have, never will)so age has nothing to do with it.


Quit acting like an arrogant snob and get over yourself. This girl died and you are kicking her family while they're already down. No matter if she was drunk or not, she didn't deserve this. These guys KNOW what happen and they don't care enough to tell. You are the same type of person who would blame a rape victim just for the way she dresses. GET OVER YOURSELF!


No, you get over yourself. You know nothing about me and you go and make your asinine statements.

I would not blame a rape victim who did nothing to put herself in danger. But yes, if a woman CHOSE to drink herself into a stupor, then made a bad decision to have sex, she cannot cry rape. But you probably the to think that a guy should be charged with rape even if she, completely sober, had sex then regretted it in the morning. Or if she just felt vindictive because she was a one-night-stand.

Like it or not, Natalee drank herself into a stupor and put herself into that situation. I never said she deserved it, but she is not "totally blameless".

And before you try to say "everyone did what she did at some point" get over yourself again. Just because you might have does not mean that everyone did.
