Some of you make me sick.

Yes, Natalee was very drunk and went off with 3 guys she didn't know. But that doesn't excuse what they did. In fact, what they did was a lot worse than what she did. If it wasn't Natalee, it may have been another girl who would end up missing. She didn't deserve what happen no matter if she was drunk or not. I'm certain they stuck something in her drink and I am certain she had a seizure and they didn't want to call for help because they stuck something in her drink. This girl didn't deserve any of this so quit blaming her because she was drunk and blame the people who KNOW what happen to her that night and are too heartless to tell the truth about it.


Sadly, too many teens/young adults think it is "cool" to chug booze, rave, use drugs etc. The infamous Easter breaks for the past 50 years. What they fail to realize is that there are always sexual predators like Van der Sloot hanging around. That type looks for naive, incautious girls who are "having a good time" away from home or school and boozing it up. Van der Sloot was even worse than the usual date rapist. He was really egotistical, a pathological liar, and absolutely sure that his father could get him out of anything. Obviously, he has no conscience. I don't know if Holloway died from a seizure or if he killed her. But, since her body has never been found and he killed the girl in Peru I lean toward him having killed Holloway as well. Even if Holloway died of an alcohol/drug induced seizure, he is guilty of her death by not calling for help and then disposing of her body.

It's also sad that when these things occur, people focus on blaming the victim instead of finding out and shining a big light on what makes people behave like Van der Sloot. I remember how his parents defended him until he killed the girl in Peru. I wonder if it is really possible to live with a psychopath or sociopath and not know there is something wrong with them unless you are in denial.


Maximus Decimus Meridius


I think it's possible to live with someone and not realize they're truly twisted. Look at how many serial killers and rapists have friends and family who are utterly shocked to find out what the person they thought they knew did.

Most sociopaths know how to be "normal". That's what makes them especially dangerous. They can have all the hallmarks of a nice, responsible, law abiding person. I've known two people who I think would qualify as sociopathic (one of whom I'm related to) and only realized it in retrospect. They're generally fantastic liars and are quite adept at manipulating people they know well.

As far as victim blaming, that's always going to happen because there are tons of jag offs who like to sit in judgement behind their comfy computer. There certainly are things that people should be criticized for but I don't think there's ever a case where someone "deserves" to be raped or murdered. There are very few people in this world who haven't trusted the wrong people or created a situation that left them vulnerable to some predator.

Should Holloway have gone off with men she didn't know while drunk? No. It was a terrible choice but she shouldn't have been killed (or had her body disposed of if she had seizure) because she made a terrible choice. The people saying she shouldn't have been drinking so much have a point but again, one bad choice doesn't give anyone the right to kill the person.

Note that a lot of victim blaming is done to females. Quite a few people believe that if a woman dresses provocatively or drinks too much, she's "asking" to be violated or murdered. That kind of attitude is rooted in the antiquated notion that women who are loose or act like drunken floozies one night should be punished for their behavior. If a man sleeps around and/or drinks in excess and acts a fool, he's considered a stud or a party animal. It's a moronic double standard that some people adhere to just so they can sit in judgement of others and feel superior.


I don't think a lot of people are actually saying that Natalee "deserved" it. Only that she is/was responsible for her own behavior that night. She chose to get herself into a drunken stupor.

Was she drugged also? I have no idea. There is no proof either way. She could easily have died from alcohol poisoning. No, that does not excuse dumping her body at all.

Given how sleazy the guys she went with were, anything is possible. Including being sold into sexual slavery.

But I doubt that anyone will ever know what really happened that night.
