Someone should do an expose and name each and every chaperone on the real trip. Let them explain where they were and what they were doing when a teenage who had been drinking was led into a car with three strange males on an island far from home. Who are those chaperones? Why did they leave the island so fast when Natalee was missing? Thats the real story that has been left untold. Even the media frenzy hasnt shed any light on the role of the chaperones.
Why don't you just wake up and look at the facts! Why blame the parents?why blame the hotel,Aruba, chaperones?Why not simply blame the person that put themselves in that situation---Natalee. I'm not downing her, poor girl, I just think she made a very unwise decision to get into that car. The other girls were drinking just as much as Natalee was and they never got into that car. In fact, one of her friends told her to get out of the car. So really come on.....let's put the blame where it belongs.
Exactly. And the chaperones even told the parents they were not there to baby-sit. Plus, didn't the trip take place after graduation? What "authority" would they really have had?
The chaperones had no real authority on that trip, and they informed the parents that 1) they were not there to be baby-sitters and 2) the drinking age was 18. They cannot be everywhere at once. The blame for Natalee choosing to drink herself into stupor rests solely on Natalee. She had no mental defect that made her unable to make her own decisions.
I live in the same twon as the Holloway family. I'm shocked at how many people honestly believe she is still alive. Maybe it's wishful thinking. I just can't see how she could still be alive.
Those who refer to work as the highlight of their lives obviously don't have one.
I think that some people are thinking that she got sold into a sex slave or prostitution ring, and could possibly be alive but being forced to work that. Once that happens, I have no idea how long the girls actually last.
I'd love to roll into Aruba with a shotgun and start making these animals talk. This movie made me sick. It portrayed Beth Holloway-Twitty in a bad light. It was NOT accurate. F&*k Aruba. May it sink into the ocean. May it's citizens burn in hell!!!
Those who refer to work as the highlight of their lives obviously don't have one.
The only one to blame in this entire situation is Natalee herself, she caused her own death by drinking way to much and by using drugs. She died on the beach in Joran's hands, she was NOT murdered, she was NOT raped, she was NOT abducted and she's NOT in some South American country serving as a prostitute. The thing Joran did wrong (and he will bear this with him the rest of his life, let´s just say when he sets one foot on Dutch soil he will be lynched by outraged mobs, hence he´s living in Thailand nowadays) though was to get rid of the body in a panic if you might say. Once this was done, there was no way back, try explaining to the authoraties that you ditched the body of a girl you didn´t kill.
She drank herself to death. Even better, hundreds of American youngsters go to Aruba to drink theirselves to death. Fortunately most of them survive. It is known that the legal drinking age is 16 (not 18 as some of you claim, it's 16) and if you send your kids on vacation over there you can count on it that they will be drinking alcohol and they probably won´t be able to manage themselves because they don´t have any drinking experience.
The chaperones aren´t to blame, there is only so much you can do as a supervisor. You can´t keep these kids locked up in their hotel room for the entire holiday, best they could´ve don was joining the kids when going out and keep an eye on them.
`"I'd love to roll into Aruba with a shotgun and start making these animals talk. This movie made me sick. It portrayed Beth Holloway-Twitty in a bad light. It was NOT accurate. F&*k Aruba. May it sink into the ocean. May it's citizens burn in hell!!!"`
You actually think that all the citizens of Aruba where involved in the death of Holloway? What the hell do you think this is? Some kind of Cult Island? Once more it´s her own fault she died. People like you make Americans the most hated people in the world.
Please note: I haven´t seen this movie and I will not see it, it´s a shameless way to make money of a young girls death. I´ve followed all the newsreports when it happened and I am one of the editors of Joran´s car confession. Second Note: I don´t hate Americans, just redneck inbreds like dallo-1.
I agree with almost everything that you say there. Natalee did choose to drink herself into a stupor that night (and probably most of the nights that she was there).
One of my pet peeves is when someone does something incredibly stupid while drunk, then blames others, saying "X got me drunk!" Really? Dud they hold you down and force the liquor down your throat? Did they hold a gun to your head and FORCE you to drink? No to both questions? Oh, did they OFFER the liquor and you accepted? Yes? Then you got yourself drunk, don't blame others!
This tragic case is what it is. However, I wish to respond to the comment you made re: "People like you make Americans the most hated people in the world." .
Those who hate America are often jealous of America. And in my own experience abroad, there are many who love Americans and their country for its endless generosity. The hatred for Americans has been an overplayed ploy of many with ulterior motives both in the States and abroad. And look I certainly understand why you were upset and defensive about Aruba. And yes - you backtracked a bit, by saying you just meant this one "redneck" but even then I wonder if you truly realize that your comments are still not balanced and no more of an enlightened world view than the person you complained about? Just something to ponder.
Going by his name: tristan van doorn, he is dutch. "those who hate america are often jealous of it". I VERY MUCH doubt that someone from holland is jealous of america. Holland is a very liberal country with a culture of intelligent and open debate. There is not a single reason he or other people from other countries have to be jealous about. Yes america has it's benefits, but it also has enough drawbacks. Just like other countries.
- "is this the secret headquarters of the gestapo?" - "It was"
Wrong!!! It was reported today 6/2 that joran is wanted in the slaying of a 21 yr old peruvian girl..She was found stabbed to death in a hotel room registered to him. There is evidence linking him and this girl. He has fled across the border into chile and is now on the run. This time his father or the kalpoe brothers are not here to cover up for him.
So I guess the girl in Peru choked herself and died in Joran's hands as well? Wow, lucky he is around when these girls need comfort in there last moments. Its pretty obvious by now, he is a serial killer. He DID MURDER Natalee. She could have been more cautious but who is to say he wouldnt have gotten to her in other ways.
I don't believe the chaperones are completely to blame but they should have had more control over things that happend on this trip. It's been reported that the group Natalee was traveling with was told by the hotel they were not welcomed back. Apparently there was room switching, teenagers constantly drunk and constant partying, even in the hotel rooms. Aruba is known for it's partying so you know if they told these kids not to come back, it got out of hand. The chaperones should have been ashamed for letting things get that bad. I know they're not 'babysitters' but what the heck were they there for?
And what were the chaperones supposed to do? The parents were told they were not going to be baby-sitting. It was after graduation, so they had no real authority over anyone on the trip.
While I understand the chaperones' sentiments, what exactly was their function if they were not there to supervise the kids? If they had no real authority, why did they tag along with a bunch of recent high school graduates for anyway? Something is fishy here.
--------- Earn Amazon, Starbucks, and other GCs via search:
Weren't her friends at the club with her? Why did THEY let her leave with strange men? I'm sorry but that is like a rule among girlfriends, you have each others back! Even if I had to kick her azz to stay put, Or have the police restrain her, I would have done that to prevent her from leaving with those idiots! When I go out with friends I feel like it's our responsibility to look out for each other.
And what's more, if the chaperones were in their faces 24/7 on the trip, they would have been accused of acting like watchdogs, especially since most of the kids were over 18, and legally able to drink in Aruba (and the parents were made aware of that).
Actually it doesn't surprise me at all her friends let her go with 3 guys alone. They probably thought he was "cute" or "hot". Women seem to be getting allot dumber when it comes to guys. Not saying in anyway it think Natalie deserved anything.
But come one, you just don't go with 3 guys alone in any country if you don't know them VERY well.
Pathxe, I am a woman I agree with every word that you wrote! Women ARE starting to get very stupid these days, I'm sorry but I just can't fathom how her friends thought it was okay for her to leave with three men that she didn't know, I would have called the police to detain her, or we would have beat the crap out of her dragged her back to the hotel! My friends and I have a rule, we come together, we leave together; You can't even put your head down on the table when you're out with us becase it makes you look vulnerable, we don't dance with guys at the same time because someone could slip something into your drink, People need to be more aware, we live in dangerous times, We are not dating in the 1940's, hell it was even dangerous back then!
I'm sorry her daughter disappeared but let's look at both sides of the coin. A bunch of well off kids went on a class trip and did what they damned well please a very long way from home. It's said Natalee Holloway was drinking every morning at sun up in Aruba. The chaperons said they weren't supposed to monitor students every minute. Then why were they there as chaperons? So the kids weren't under curfew even though they were on a school trip?! No matter where you are in any city lax behavior can be your downfall and possibly lead to your death. I don't know how these people were brought up but I don't know anyone that would go on a trip and let one female go off with strangers far from home and not do something. Not tell a chaperon or someone else from home or call home? Especially if that person is drinking and doesn't come back during the night?? Most likely they were all drinking and that's why nothing was done until they were about to leave.College age maybe I could see it but recent high school grads??
"Today is the tomorrow you were worrying about yesterday!"
Exactly, just recently I almost got into a fight trying to stop one of my female friends from leaving drunk with a strange guy. Trust me I am not a fighting type person. But I would rather get a black eye or even my butt kicked than let a female friend head off with a strange dude. At the time she was mad, but the next day she couldn't stop thanking me.
I like the way you take care of your friends.
We do live in a very dangerous time. In a way I feel bad for women that they have to be so careful when out, kind of sucks really. But it is a reality.
Not to mention, they were not really "students" anymore. They all had graduated high school, so the chaperones had no real authority over them. I believe they even told the parents they were not there to be baby-sitters, guards, etc, but to coordinate the trip.
The chaperones were just cover, for what was described in Wikipedia as "wild partying, a lot of drinking, lots of room switching every night. We know the Holiday Inn told them they weren't welcome next year". Her friends described her as "innocent", but also admitted that she was constantly drinking.
I am reminded of Amanda Knox. Another "innocent" girl. That time however it was a truly innocent English girl who died, and the American was the killer - according to the Italian courts.