Well, fun thing is: he said he sold Natalee as a sex slave, he was caught in Thailand (iirc) doing just that.
Natalee died (supposedly by his hand) and he killed Stephany Flores (she has a name)
So he is capable of both things.
There was an undercover camera operation in which he "confessed" to what really happened, he later recanted.
There is more to Joran, what i do not know.. I do think him as a sociopath/psychopath. I also believe his father knew.
I also think that he told the truth in one of those "confessions", to whom though? He is certainly arrogant enough (and a good liar) to have done just that.. He is also smart enough to know that when he has spun his web of lies, no one will ever find out which one of them was/is true, and whatever he tells in the future will also be doubtful because of that.
When Natalee is found, truth will be known, if she will be found is a whole different matter though..
Use this link, you need to translate it though, i thought you could do that with Chrome.
Cogito ergo sum