MovieChat Forums > Adventure Time (2010) Discussion > Weakest or strongest of the three?

Weakest or strongest of the three?

My order is
The Amazing World of Gumball
Regular Show
Adventure Time

The show used to be interesting for me, but then it started going stale. I feel like the show is going south with only a few good episodes. The other two shows have yet to have a bad episode in my opinion.

I can say the same with Courage the Cowardly Dog (I'm a huge fan of the show); After repeated viewings of all 54 episodes, the show goes south with only a few deserving repeated views.

Comparing Courage the Cowardly Dog to lets say, Dexter's Laboratory, Dexter is somewhat ahead of Courage.


Um... why just those three? Cartoon Network currently has six original animated series.

(In no particular order, as I'm not rating them)

The Amazing World of Gumball
Regular Show
Adventure Time
Uncle Grandpa
Steven Universe


Because I don't watch the other three. Steven Universe is alright. Something about the show screams 'trying hard to stay relevant'. Uncle Grandpa is an abomination of a show, and Clarence is just a joke. Johnnie Test makes me think CN is close to a pit fire from hell.


Something about the show screams 'trying hard to stay relevant'.

Care to elaborate?

::in the room with no doors, a faceless boy playing with makeup...
I love him from this mirror...::


What do you mean by "'trying hard to stay relevant'?"


Steven Universe
Adventure Time
Amazing World of Gumball.

With regular show in the garbage where it belongs.

::in the room with no doors, a faceless boy playing with makeup...
I love him from this mirror...::


My listing:
Amazing World of Gumball at the top, followed by: (in no specific order as I enjoy them all about the same)

Steven Universe
We Bare Bears
Adventure Time
Teen Titans Go!

Then Clarence.

At the bottom is Regular Show with Uncle Grandpa in the garbage.


Personally, I think Adventure Time is the strongest hands down. Good story lines, great animation and appealing characters. But I agree that AT has been going a bit downhill lately (S6) and maybe not as good as it once was. Hopefully it does better next season. As for the other shows on CN with a similar demographic/premise I cannot watch any of them except maybe Regular Show. They just don't live up anywhere near the "greatness" that is AT in my opinion 

I think I got it...but just in case...tell me the whole thing again I wasn't listening.


I absolutely agree with you, AT then Regular Show, the rest just isn't good enough to measure.


That's actually pretty hard to pick a top 3. If it includes some of the older Cartoon Networks as well, then I'd have to pick...

1. Adventure Time
2. The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy
3. Regular Show

Mind you, I absoloutely love The Amazing World Of Gumball, Teen Titans Go!, and all of the older ones (e.g. Powerpuff Girls and [b]Dexter's Laboratory
.) I never really got into Steven Universe and shows like that.

 Steven Universe


Going back to Adventure Time, I realize it has its ups and downs, and the three shows mentioned (Regular Show, Adventure Time, and Gumball) are the only ones holding Cartoon Network together. The rest? Send them down! Remember I am referring to Cartoon Network now, not then.


My top three is actually the exact opposite of yours. I do, of course, respect your choices!

Adventure Time is just unparalleled to me for all the unique, colorful characters it creates, and how their world grows. I've never known a cartoon to delve so deeply into the human condition, reflecting all its ups and downs, and do so in such a delightfully avant-garde manner.

Why is The Amazing World of Gumball your favorite? I don't quite see the appeal of a show that centers around a character as selfish and mean as Gumball.


Adventure Time
Regular Show
Steven Universe

I feel Adventure Time is when Cartoon Network started showing us they still got it. Great characters, writing, pacing, world, and lore. It just comes together so well especially for lasting this long.

Regular Show brought out the weird, comical side that Cartoon Network showed in the past with shows like chowder and Billy & Mandy. The fact that they can build upon their characters in a comedy show is fantastic.

Steven Universe is probably my favorite show right now. It seamlessly blends parts if slice of life, sci-fi, comedy, and drama and it works so well. I think it succeds so well because it feels so human. All the characters can be related to. From pearls need to focus in perfection, Steven's naive and caring attitude towards everything, to Amethyst's laid back attitude, and Garnet's strong silence that masks the fact that she is in fact composed of two beings with a total mix of emotions themselves. They way these characters develop and interact with the world around them always makes me look forward to the next episode.

There are other great shows on CN but u feel that this trio exemplifies why we all loved Cartoon Network back then and still do now.
