MovieChat Forums > Adventure Time (2010) Discussion > Important Story Episodes???

Important Story Episodes???

I would like to start watching more of Adventure Time, but I don't want to watch all 7 seasons. What are the most important episodes that are essential to the plot? (Especially all of the Mushroom War episodes.) And I don't care how long the list of episodes get, make it as long as it needs to be, whether that is 20 or 100 episodes.
Thank you!


i think the best place to start is the episode where your mom goes down on the entire Candy Kingdom. i wanna say it's the 20th episode of the first season. it pretty much sets up the entire series...


There's not really a specific Mushroom War arc but you can kind of make one by finding episodes that have to do with the character backstories. It's actually probably Marceline and the Ice King/Simon who will give you the most mushroom war related stuff since they were the only characters actually there if I'm not mistaken (also my personal opinion is that Marceline has the best storyline). If you want to watch Adventure Time but not watch all the episodes I would also suggest to just pick a favorite side character and watch all of their episodes
